showing 29 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardauthor(s)
Doom 3  id Software2004Adrian Carmack (artist)
Andy Chang
Cam Clarke (voice actor)
Christian Antkow (sound designer)
Eric Webb (artist)
Fredrik Nilsson (artist)
James Houska (animator)
Jerry Keehan (designer)
Jim Dose
John Carmack (technical director)
Kenneth Scott (artist)
Kevin Cloud (artist)
Mal Blackwell (designer)
Marty Stratton
Matt Hooper (designer)
Pat Duffy (artist)
Patrick Thomas (artist)
Robert Duffy
Seneca Menard (artist)
Steve Rescoe (designer)
Steven Blum (voice actor)
Tim Willits (lead designer)
Conflict: Vietnam Sales Curve Interactive (Pivotal Games)2004 labelminimizeminimize
Counter-Strike: Source  Valve Corporation (Turtle Rock Studios)2004 labelimageminimize
Project: Snowblind Eidos Interactive (Crystal Dynamics)2005 labelimageminimize
Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil Activision (id Software;Nerve Software)2005 labelimageminimize
Battlefield 2 Electronic Arts (EA Digital Illusions CE)2005 labelimageminimize
Advent Rising  Majesco Entertainment (GlyphX Games)2005 labelimagesubject
F.E.A.R.  Vivendi Universal (Monolith Productions)2005Craig Hubbard (lead game designer)
Hitman: Blood Money  Eidos (Io Interactive)2006Jesper Kyd (music composer)
Half-Life 2: Episode One  Sierra (Valve)2006 labelimageminimize
Prey  2K Games (Human Head Studios)2006 labelimagesubject
The Ship  Outerlight;Blazing Griffin (Outerlight)2006 labelimagesubject
Battlefield 2142 Electronic Arts (EA Digital Illusions CE)2006 labelimageminimize
Gothic 3  JoWooD Productions;Deep Silver;Aspyr Media (Piranha Bytes)2006 labelimagesubject
Battlestations: Midway Eidos Interactive (Eidos Studios Hungary)2007 labelimageminimize
Penumbra: Overture  Lexicon Entertainment;Got Game (Frictional Games)2007 labelimagesubject
Madden NFL 08 Electronic Arts (EA Tiburon)2007 labelminimizeminimize
Enemy Territory: Quake Wars Activision (Splash Damage;id Software)2007 labelimageminimize
Portal Valve2007Ellen McLain (voice of glados)
Team Fortress 2  Valve2007Ellen McLain (voice actor)
NBA Live 08 Electronic Arts (EA Canada)2007 labelminimizeminimize
Half-Life 2: Episode Two  Sierra (Valve)2007 labelimagesubject
Painkiller: Overdose DreamCatcher Interactive;JoWood Productions (Mindware Studios)2007 labelimagesubject
Need for Speed ProStreet Electronic Arts (EA Black Box)2007 labelimageminimize
Crysis  EA Partners (Crytek)2007Inon Zur (music)
Penumbra: Black Plague  Paradox Interactive (Frictional Games)2008 labelimagesubject
Mass Effect  Microsoft Game Studios (BioWare;Demiurge Studios)2008 labelimagesubject
Penumbra: Requiem Paradox Interactive (Frictional Games)2008 labelimageminimize
Left 4 Dead  Valve;EA Partners (Valve South)2008 labelimagesubject