Subtitle deficient

Video game concept

Includes voice overs, synthesized speech or such but does not have sufficient or any subtitles for them (optional or not).


Alternate name: No subtitles

* Closed captioning
Note that if missing out on the voice overs and such is irrelevant, then this tag should not be used. For example, random taunts from NPCs certainly are not necessary in most cases.

This makes the games a lot harder than necessary or possibly even completely unplayable by the deaf.

Speech in foreign languages (the various `speech-´ tags) can be forgiven for not having subtitles.

This is also for games that have the option or even enforced subtitles but fail to provide it for all story related voice overs or provides them only under certain circumstances (e.g. only in cinematics or only outside of cinematics).

Popular tags

adventtrilogy assassinscreed cnc corridorshooter doom-series fatalframe ghostrecon rainbow6 tactical thebannersaga

Parent groups

Malfeatures, Subtitles

Games by year

959697989900010203040506070809101112131415 123690

The first Subtitle deficient video game was released on November 8, 1995.

Ubisoft, Ubisoft Entertainment and Activision published most of these games.

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Windows 24
X360 6
PS3 6
Xbox 5
PS2 5
Linux 4
Android 2
Mac OS X 2
GameCube 1
iOS 1

Most common companies