Command & Conquer
Video game serie
Notable people involved: Joe Kucan
WIN 2008-09-30
SAT 1996-12-20
WIN 2007-03-28
WIN 2014
WIN 1996-11-01
DOS 1997
WIN 2008-10
PS1 1997-10-28
WIN 2000
X360 2008-09-30
X360 2008-03
GEN 1996
Popular tags
aiadvantage autorun cancelled cncgenerals construction-gradual control-individuals damageovertime difficulty difficultyspike expenses-instant firstpersonshooter fofindicator locationaldamage markers missionbased mp-campaign mp-cooperative mp-lms mp-teams mpfocus multiplecampaigns nostructurefacing realtimestrategy redalert sequence-defend structurefacing subfactions subtitledeficient supportpowers tutorial upgrades-transient upgradesystem wargameChild groups
Tiberium universe, Command & Conquer: Red Alert, Command & Conquer: Generals
Games by year
The first Command & Conquer video game was released on August 31, 1995.
Electronic Arts and Virgin published most of these games.