Locations entity
Notable people involved: Charles Cecil, Barrington Pheloung and Jesper Kyd
PS3 2007-11-14
WIN 1996
WIN 2008-04-08
WIN 2016-01-28
WIN 2007-08-03
GBA 2002-03-14
X360 2007-11-14
PS1 1996
Popular tags
actionadventure arabia asia asia-west city city-acre-il city-damascus-sy city-jerusalem-il city-paris-fr clickadventure earth england france hillland hospital hotel ireland militarybase mine mountain museum nazcalines palestine rooftops ruins russia scotland spain temple train-location virtualreality wilderness winteryParent groups
Arabia, Asia, West Asia, Near East
Child group
Games by year
The first Syria video game was released in 1996.
Virgin, Ubisoft Entertainment and Ubisoft published most of these games.