showing 28 games

namepublisher(developer) arrow_downwardyeartagsdescription
Jade Empire  2K Games (BioWare;LTI Gray Matter)2007 1life 2hmeleeweapons achillesheelfoes adv-ptdistr anticipatorysightings arena asianprotagonist aspectratio-16-10 aspectratio-16-9 aspectratio-4-3 automap autosavepoints beggars books cave cemetery chinese-theme chinesemythology city combatstyles companion cruelty-potential death deities demons demons-eastern dialog-sentences directx9 disturbednature divineabsence dodging download dualism energystations eviloverlord fantasyworld fictionaluniverse flyingislands forest formerhumans genderchoice ghosts golems group-subset healingdevice healingstations healthpickups hideout ignoredcompanions interactivedialogs inventory lasthope lastofakind leveluprestoration lipsync magic martialarts meleeweapons monsters moralchoices mountain mystics naturalleader nojumping obsoletedassets optionaltasks organizedcrime pain palace pawn perchararelations polearms possessed premadecharacters protagonistnaming psychopomps ragtaggang rating-esrb-m recurringopponent romance ruins samsara saveanywhere school serious shadermodel2 shopping sorcery speech-gibberish spirithosts swords tasktracker town unarmedfighting underworld walking warriorprotagonist wetland widescreen wushu wuxia xp-deeds xp-kills [b]combat styles[/b] - fights will be quite drawn out if you don't swap between two or more styles somewhat frequently.
[b]group-subset[/b] - only one of your many followers can actively follow you around, the rest remain at the camps or whatever.
[b]moral choices[/b] - the ways of open palm and close fist.

[spoiler=Spoiler tags;Hide][b]anticipatory sightings[/b] - specifically the often repeated dialog about some quirk many see in your style about a hole in your defence that isn't there.[/spoiler]***2007-02-27 on Steam, by 2K Games (lang: eng, fre, ger, ita, spa)***Minimum requirements:
* Windows XP
* Pentium 4 1.8 GHz or Athlon XP 1800+
* 512 MB RAM
* 8 GB free HD space
* GeForce 6200 or Radeon 9500***The Rich Tapestry of Jade Empire Will Soon Be Yours to Explore

Step into the role of an aspiring martial arts master and follow the path of the Open Palm or Closed Fist. In this multi-award-winning action-RPG, your choices and actions will determine the fate of an empire. Will you prevent the destruction of this beautiful land or crush it beneath your heel? Are you a warrior who uses strength and fighting mastery to bring peace, or will your power bring pain and ruin?

The choice is yours.

The Original Masterpiece

* An incredible, engaging story that makes you the noble hero...or the treacherous villain!
* A wealth of fascinating characters to interact with
* Beautiful, mysterious lands to explore, discover, and save... or conquer
* A rich blend of roleplaying and exciting real-time combat

Enhanced for the PC

* Customizable, intuitive controls including support for game-pads and keyboard/mouse
* Increased graphics resolutions and new visual effects
* New monsters and enemies
* New fighting styles
* Improved combat AI and difficulty levels
* New world map interface
[Bioware]***This is a light RPG based around Chinese lore with heavy emphasis in combat. You can learn different martial arts, weapon and magic styles to take down your foes. There are plenty of interesting characters to meet and a variety of combat styles.

NetStorm: Islands at War Activision (Titanic Entertainment)1997 basebuilding cdrom finiteresources flyingislands golems harvesters island magic missionbased mystics nature-theme ramparts resourceharvesting sacrificing serious structurefacing theurgy weather-theme win95 In the world of [i]Nimbus[/i], islands float around in sea of storms. The populace living underground, safe from the constant warring topside. Many fearing the Priests of the three [i]Furies[/i]: [i]Wind[/i], [i]Rain[/i], and [i]Thunder[/i], who command the armies of the nations in an attempt of total conquest and to garner favor from the Furies who are locked in an eternal battle below the islands.***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows 95
* Pentium 90 MHz CPU
* 24 MB RAM
* 25 MB free HD space
* 640x480x8 display mode
* Sound Blaster compatible SPU
* MS-compatible mouse***It seems the game was released as freeware at some point, but I can't locate any actual info on that. The game is available for download from NetStorm HQ quite publicly though (dated 2005-07 at the time of writing).
Vampire: The Masquerade – Redemption  Activision (Nihilistic Software)2000 1life acrossages actionrpg adv-undefined austria biorobots bodyarmor britain castle cdrom city city-london-uk city-newyork-ny city-prague-cz city-vienna-au clergy contemporaryfantasy damagetypes download dungeon earth europe fantasticearth firearms gog golems grotesque handguns healingitems healthdraining humanity inorganics inventory judeochristianmythology latemodernperiod liveeditor magic medieval meleeweapons middleages militantprotagonist monsters multipleendings mundanedangers neutralnpcs nontolkienian northamerica premadeprotagonist prostitutes rating-esrb-m redemption religion-christian religion-judaism sciencefantasy secretsociety serious shopping sorcery swords thesoulless titularconcept usa uvl-imagequality vampireprotagonist vampires voiceovers walking werewolves worldofdarkness xp-kills The protagonist joined a crusade for religious reasons even if this motive faded. He is in love with a Christian (Benedictine) nun (of which order?) who definitely values her religion and wants to keep her vows (which was not a given in the 12th century). This nun also values prayer. The protagonist also has religious vows that he clings to. Christian religion has a significant role in the story. Though the game ending greatly depends on the protagonist's conduct, this mechanic is has nothing to do with any real-world faith or religion, it is more of an constructed system of virtue unique to the game.***
[84]***From official site:

'Before your fall, you led a crusade against evil. Now you've become one of the undead creatures you once battled-a Vampire. Inhabiting the World of Darkness, you must face a series of brutal confrontations with your nemesis, Vukodlak, a powerful vampire lord. Your unholy showdown begins in medieval Europe and rages on into the modern day, as you track a soulless enemy in an eternal struggle to destroy him. For this is the only hope of vengeance for your tortured immortality.'
Hexen II  Activision;id Software (Raven Software)1997 1life adv-static alone bludgeons bombs bossbattles cdrom classbased classbasedeq compatiblewine demo demonicmenace demons display-320x240 doomwad doors egyptian-theme energypickups eviloverlord fantasyworld felinoids fictionaluniverse forcedpolymorph fourhorsemen frameanimation giantspiders gibs golems grecoroman healingitems healthpickups heretichexen heroprotagonist humanoids inventory itemglow jumping katar magic magicweapons medieval meleeweapons mesoamerican-theme monsters mystics namelessprotagonist nocrosshair noenergyregen noingameintro nontolkienian opengl overkill personalquest potions premadecharacters pressureplates pyramid quakeengine randomizedattributes rating-esrb-t serious sickles slowexplosions sorcery splatter splittingcreatures swimming swrender touchactivation undead underwaterdiving uvl-missingimages walking win2k win95 win98 winnt4 xp-kills [b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows 95, 98, ME, NT4 or 2000
* 90 MHz CPU
* 16 MB RAM on Win95 and 98 (24 MB on others)
* Quad-speed CD-ROM drive
* 120 MB free HD space

* 133 MHz CPU

Note: I personally found the game ran best with 192 MB RAM total or more, as at 128 MB it occasionally stopped to load new data in some certain "load spots".***Id Software and Raven Software joined forces again to expand the Heretic and HeXen universe in a bold new direction. Powered by the Quake engine, HeXen II was developed from 1996 to 1997 on a brutal production schedule, published by Id Software and distributed by Activision Inc.

One of the most highly anticipated releases of 1997, HeXen II was the first game from an outside developer to ship with Quake engine technology. The game featured four single player hubs and deathmatch capabilities for 16 players while simultaneously offering four character classes, each with four weapons with dual fire modes for a total of 32 unique weapon effects. In addition, HeXen II was the first 3-D shooter to feature transparent water effects in both hardware and software rendering modes and one of the only fully 3-D games to feature single player cooperative gameplay.

HeXen II was a smash hit for Raven Software and was revered by many as one of the most artistically beautiful computer games ever made.
[Raven]***this is the only game aside from Quake that I know of that uses Quake 1's engine. It is a very worthy sequil of the original Hexen. This one takes you to yet another world to battle the third and final Serpent Rider as one of four heros (Paladin, Crusader, Assassin or Necromancer). The graphics are wonderful, espically the use of colors and the amazingly detailed maps. This is the game Quake should have been.
Legend of Grimrock Almost Human Games2012 achillesheelfoes adv-ptdistr amoeboids automap axes bludgeons bodyarmor bossbattles bows capacity-slots capacity-weight chargers chemistry classbased classbasedeq constrainedlocale containers cpplanguage criticalchance crossbows crystals damageinfo damageovertime dark-limited difficulty dinosaurs disguisedtriggers dissolvingcorpses draganddrop drm dualwielding dungeon dungeoncrawler endlessopposition falldamage formations freelook genderchoice giantcrustaceans giantgastropods giantspiders gloomy gog golems grenades gridmove grimrock-series group healingstations hitchance humanoids hunger idlenoise inbuilttraps indie insectoids inventory jewelry juggernauts katar keys knives lamp lamp-powered limitedcapacity lua luggage magic magic-precast magic-sigils mapannotation meleeweapons minotaurs modsupport mycoids mystics namegenerator noantagonist nodrm npcspawning ogres outlawprotagonist overburdening overloading polearms potions powerthrow pressureplates prison projectilerecovery randomchance randomdamage resting resuscitation robots sauroids screenshake secrets singularlocale skillbasedeq sorcery spears specieschoice splatter steampowered steamworkshop swordandsorcery swords teleport teleportmaze tentaclecreatures throwanything throwback throwingknives throwingstars thrownweapons titularlocale toxins ugc uipointer unarmedfighting undead walking xp-kills Simplemente la mejor conversión al videojuego del misterio, emoción y claustrofobia mental que transmite un juego de rol de exploración de mazmorras.
Además de destaca por su único sistema de juego, que mezcla un manejo casi de aventura gráfica con un combate a semitiempo real y una creación de personajes muy RPG y variada.
Y especialmente notable por su efecto "sólo una escalera/puerta más", haciendo volar el tiempo con facilidad.
Eso sí, lo del modo Old School ya es para nostálgicos masocas XD
9 de 10.***What is Legend of Grimrock?
* Old-school dungeon crawling game inspired by Dungeon Master, Eye of the Beholder and Ultima Underworld.
* Explore a vast dungeon riddled with hidden switches, pressure plates, sliding walls, trapdoors and more.
* Discover secrets, cast spells with runes and craft potions with herbs.
* Fight murderous monsters and seek lost artifacts in ancient tombs.
* Create a party of four characters and customize them with different races, classes, skills and traits.

Legend of Grimrock is a dungeon crawling role playing game with an oldschool heart but a modern execution. A group of prisoners are sentenced to certain death by exiling them to the secluded Mount Grimrock for vile crimes they may or may not have committed. Unbeknownst to their captivators, the mountain is riddled with ancient tunnels, dungeons and tombs built by crumbled civilizations long perished now. If they ever wish to see daylight again and reclaim their freedom the ragtag group of prisoners must form a team and descend through the mountain, level by level.

The game brings back the oldschool challenge with highly tactical real-time combat and grid-based movement, devious hidden switches and secrets as well as deadly traps and horrible monsters. Legend of Grimrock puts an emphasis on puzzles and exploration and the wits and perception of the player are more important tools than even the sharpest of swords could be. And if you are a hardened dungeon crawling veteran and you crave an extra challenge, you can arm yourself with a stack of grid paper and turn on the Oldschool Mode which disables the luxury of the automap! Are you ready to venture forth and unravel the mysteries of Mount Grimrock?
Legend of Grimrock II  Almost Human Games2014 achievements adv-ptdistr airlocks ambientcreatures amoeboids antagonistawareness asphyxiation automap axes blowguns bludgeons bodyarmor bombs bossbattles bossmeter bows capacity-slots capacity-weight castle cemetery charactercreation chemistry circadiancycle classbased cpplanguage crafting crossbows crystals damageinfo damageovertime dark-limited darts difficulty difficulty-ingame directx9 display-1024x768 display-720p dodgechance dungeon dungeoncrawler elementals energyitems energyregen energystations falldamage femaleprotagonist firearms firearms-early forest genderchoice giantcrustaceans giantspiders gianttestudines giantwolves golems graverobbing gridmove grimrock-series groupcreation handcannons hazardouspowers healingitems healingstations healthregen healthregen-slow hitchance humblestore humblewidget hunger hyperenemies ichthyoids improvisedweapons indie injuries insectoids inventory island isolatedlocale jewelry katar keys-disposable knives lamp lamp-powered leveleditor limitedcapacity luggage magic magicrings maleprotagonist mapannotation meleeweapons mimics mine minotaurs murinoids mystics namegenerator noinvpause nomodalpause npcspawning ogres plantcreatures polearms potions randomdamage recurringopponent resting resuscitation revolvers ruins sauroids saveanywhere savepoints secrets semibarriers shadermodel3 shields skeletons slings sorcery speakingstones spears specieschoice ssao staves stealingnpcs steampowered stranded suicideattackers swordandsorcery swords tentaclecreatures throwanything throwback throwingaxes throwingknives throwingstars thrownweapons tinyfoes undead undefinedelements underwater underwaterwalking walking wands wetland winvista winxp labelimageminimize
The Witcher  Atari;CD Projekt (CD Projekt RED)2007 1life abilitydependencies activepause adv-intermediary adv-ptdistr alcohol amnesia anglosaxonmythology animals antivillain auroraengine automap autosavepoints barghests book books burrowers butterflies cannibalism capacity-slots castle cattle cemetery censored centipedes chapters chargedattack chemistry children circadiancycle city clergy cockatrices combatstyles consequences cpplanguage cultists dark-limited depthoffield dialog-sentences dicephysics directx9 discrimination doomsayers download drm drm-activation drm-removed drunkenness dryads dualism duplicateweapons dwarves dynamicweather elves endlessopposition erraticlanguage evilgenius fantasyworld fictionaluniverse forest freeexpansions freelancing geese ghosts ghouls giantmyriapods golems hospital humanexperiments ichthyoids ineptveteran insectoids interactivedialogs interrupting inventory invisiblewalls itemglow jigglephysics lamp langchinesetrad langhungarian leveleditor license-crossplatform lightbloom limitedcapacity logitech-g19 lua magic magic-delayed magic-innate magic-instant maleprotagonist map mediaindrive meleeweapons mercenaryprotagonist middleagedprotagonist milessound minigames monsterhunters monsters mutantprotagonist mysticprotagonist mystics neutralmonsters nodrm nojumping nonhumanrights npcspawning nudity nxbitconflict nymphs objectiveindicator obligation optionaltasks organizedcrime outbreak pain plantcreatures plethoraofreferences potions prejudice premadeprotagonist publictransit racism-speciesism rating-esrb-m rating-pegi-18 renderwareengine resourceregeneration ruins rural saveanywhere search sequelhook serialkey serious sewers sex shadermodel2 shallowwater shopping slavicmythology sluts spectres splatter subterranean superalloy swordandsorcery swords tages tasktracker taxonomy teleport temporarycompanions tentaclecreatures thewitcher titlementioned titularcharacter toolbuffs town toxins transhumanism ugc unarmedfighting undead unusualprotagonist vampires variableending visionenhancer walking warriorprotagonist weefolk werewolves wetland widescreen wildlife winvista winxp wyverns xp-deeds xp-kills Andrzej Sapkowski, the creator of the Witcher universe, stated that he would not play the game since he has no interest in video games in general. However, he praised the game's opening cinematic, which (partially) tells the story of Sapkowski's very first short story, called simply Witcher (Wiedźmin). The Polish version of the game also comes with this short story.***The original (Polish) version of the game features some allusions to the Polish national-conservative party Law and Justice (Polish: Prawo i Sprawiedliwość). The party's name is mentioned by NPCs in the game in connection with corruption and discrimination against non-humans. Also at some point Geralt may dismiss an NPC saying "Spieprzaj, dziadu!" (approximately "Piss off, old man!"). The cofounder of Law and Justice and president (at the time the game was released) of Poland Lech Kaczyński once famously said those words to a heckler.***Un juego curioso, ya que su manejo e historía son de corte clásico (control en combate "por turnos", inventario complejo e historia de decisiones vinculantes)
Algo complejo de manejar de primeras, pero de todas formas una gran adaptación de las novelas del Tolkien del este.
8 de 10***Latest version: (as of 2009-07-31)

There's also a separate patch ("[url=]Director's Cut[/url]") that restores the North American version to the same uncensored level that the original European release is. Works on any version from Enhanced Edition onwards.***Although the game has endurance meter, this is only used for casting the magic signs and therefore not eligible for [url=/groups/info/stamina]stamina/endurance[/url] tagging.***Chinese is the only one without voice-overs in that language, all the others have both voice-overs and subtitles.***[b]Enhanced Edition comes with:[/b]
* Game disc
* Game guide
* Manual
* Soundtrack CD
* CD with music inspired by The Witcher
* Bonus game content disc (adventure editor and two new adventures)
* Behind the scenes DVD
* Hard copy of "The Witcher" story by Andrzej Sapkowski
* World map***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP SP2 or Vista
* Pentium 4 2.4 GHz or Athlon 64 +2800
* 1 GB RAM (1.5 GB for Vista)
* 128 MB VRAM
* 8.5 GB free HD space

* Core 2 Duo 2.13 GHz or Athlon X2 5600+
* 2 GB RAM
* GeForce 7900 GTX or Radeon X1950 PRO

Those with less than the min specs need to run the game with [code]-dontForceMinReqs[/code] command-line option passed to the game or it'll refuse to run (though I'd imagine it's quite unplayable for them at some points). This also needs at least v1.2 patch to have been applied (preferably newer, but 1.2 introduced the option).***[code]EU[/code] 2007-10-26
[code]PL[/code] 2007-10-26 by CD Projekt
[code]NA[/code] 2007-10-30 (censored)
[code]NA[/code] 2008-09-19 [i]The Witcher: Enhanced Edition[/i] - a partial remake and re-release, available as massive patch for the owners of the original.
[code]EU[/code]? 2009-10-28 on Steam, by Atari (lang: eng, fre, ger, spa, ita, cze, rus, hun, pol, *trad. chi)
* text-only language(s)

Atari handled worldwide publishing, CD Projekt only the Polish.

The censoring (in NA release) is associated with all the instances where you have sex with the gals. This shows only a very scantily clad art piece of the person and nothing else, so it isn't really that explicit even. More like extremely suggestive. The art pieces were re-touched to make them more modest (such as bare breasts being covered). The dryad NPC was made to have more cover as well in-game (the dryad is fully nude in European releases, though the textures are blurry and don't show any great detail).

The Enhanced Edition is available for free as downloadable update for the owners of the original, although it is worth 909 MB of data so expect it to take a while.***The Witcher represents the pinnacle of storytelling in role-playing games, shattering the line between good and evil with a world where moral ambiguity reigns. In a beautiful, rich game universe created by artists first, technology second, the player becomes his own hero in an epic, action-packed narrative uniquely defined by his actions. Returning to the roots of the role-playing genre with a fresh and modern approach, The Witcher emphasizes story and character development in a vibrant world, while incorporating tactically-deep real-time combat like no game before it.

Immersed in a vivid but harsh fantasy world, the player assumes the role of a white-haired witcher named Geralt, a renowned monster-slayer-for-hire and master swordsman with superhuman strength and reflexes. While trying to regain his lost memory, Geralt unwillingly becomes involved in a world-shaking power struggle. Created to provide entertainment for both fans of role-playing games and those seeking fast-paced action, The Witcher brings together epic storytelling and dynamic, visually stunning, and tactically deep action.


* Geralt of Rivia: a one-of-a-kind protagonist
* A charismatic and unique character, Geralt is a mutant swordmaster and professional monster slayer.
* Choose from over 250 special abilities correlated to attributes, combat skills and magical powers to build the character in a way best suited to tactical needs and style of play.
* Original fantasy world drawn from literature
* Inspired by the writings of renowned Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski.
* Featuring adult themes, less fairy-tale than typical fantasy, with mature social issues like racism, political intrigue and genocide.
* It is a harsh world where nothing is black or white, right or wrong, often forcing players to choose between the lesser of two evils to advance.
* Non-linear and captivating storyline
* Full of turns, twists and ambiguous moral decisions which have real impact on the storyline.
* All quests can be accomplished in several ways and the game has three different endings depending on the player's actions and choices throughout the adventure.
* Visually stunning tactical action
* Engage in complex yet intuitive real-time combat based on real medieval sword-fighting techniques.
* Motion capture performed by medieval fighting experts at Frankfurt's renowned Metric Minds studio, resulting in 600 spectacular and authentic in-game combat animations.
* Six combat styles, dozens of potions, complex alchemy system, modifiable weapons and powerful magic add tactical depth to the fluid real-time experience.
[Atari]***The Game

„The Witcher" returns to the tradition of the role-playing genre with a fresh and modern approach, emphasizing story and character development in a vibrant world, while incorporating spectacular and well developed combat system like no game before it. The story is set in the world described in five books - giving additional credibility and depth of the background of the story.

The game features the player as a „Witcher", a warrior who has been trained to fight since childhood, subjected to mutations and trials that transformed him. He earns his living killing monsters and is a member of a brotherhood founded long ago to protect people from werewolves, the undead, and a host of other beasts.

The Vision

Our vision of the game can be described as: A modern story-driven RPG with unique hero, stunning visuals and easy-to-use, yet complex combat system. Perfect both for fans of storytelling and admirers of vigorous action.

Main Features

Deep and intriguing storyline
* Interesting story full of twists and turns in a complex and coherent setting.
* Most quests can be accomplished in several ways.
* Three different endings that depend on player's actions and choices throughout the whole adventure.

Dynamic and visually spectacular action
* Real time combat with motion captured animations performed by a master of medieval sword combat.
* Ragdoll and rigid body physics, powered by Criterion's Karma Engine to simulate interaction with opponents as well as elements of surrounding.

Original character concept and fantasy world
* The main character is a professional swordmaster and monster slayer.
* Game world which is more „adult" and less „fairy-tale" than typical fantasy.
* The world which is not black and white and is inhabited by believable characters.

Easy to use
* Thanks to transparent and intuitive controls, players are able to enjoy the game right after beginning without a long learning curve. During the game the complexity of the system will be gradually uncovered.
* All actions can be done using the mouse only, however shortcuts for all of them are fully configurable.
[CD Projekt]
Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition  Beamdog2013 1life activepause adnd adv-static autoattack baldursgate bards bhaalspawn bloodlines capacity-slots castle charactercreation cheapdeath city classbased classbasedeq cloneconundrum clones companion containers damagetypes darts dataexport derivedstatistics dialog-tree dicemechanics difficulty dnd doors dragons dragons-western dungeon ectsaward elves estate familiars fatigue femaleprotagonist forgottenrealms genderbender genderchoice gnomes godlingprotagonist gog golems group halflings hazardouspowers healthbuffer highfantasy hitchance homingboulders ichthyoids identitycrisis imps infinityengine interactivedialogs inventory inventory-supplies itempickup-instant jewelry karma liches limitedcapacity lockpicking lostresources mageslayers magic magic-delayed magic-somatic magic-verbal magicrings maleprotagonist medieval mindflayers mp-campaign mp-cooperative mp-rejoin multiverse mythmagnet namegenerator neutralnpcs opengl orphanprotagonist paladins prematuretaskcompletion prerenderedbackgrounds protagonistnaming protectioncomplex pseudorealtime ragtaggang randomchance randomdamage resting romance rooting screenshake sentientartefact shadows shapeshifters shapeshifting sharedsetting shopping sorcery souljar specieschoice speciespenalty spellbooks spellmemory steampowered subclassing summoning thesoulless tooltips traps treetoptown undead unusualprotagonist uvl-tiein vampires vendortrash voicechoice voiceovers walking weefolk wildmagic winvista winxp xp-deeds xp-kills xp-levelmatch xp-lockpicking xp-shared Includes both Shadows of Amn and Throne of Bhaal while also adding Black Pits II and variety of updates, fixes and added content. labelimageminimize
Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition  Beamdog (Black Isle Studios;Beamdog)2013 1life 2hmeleeweapons activepause adnd adv-progress adv-ptdistr adv-static alcohol autoattack axes backstabbing baldursgate bards basilisks berserkers bhaalspawn bloodlines bludgeons bodyarmor books bossbattles bows bridgecardgame brothel caninoids capacity-slots capacity-stacks cemetery charactercreation cheapdeath chickens city classbased classbasedeq companion containers crossbows darts death dialog-tree diaries dicemechanics difficulty difficulty-ingame direanimals dnd doors doppelgangers druids drunkenness dungeon dwarves elves encounters-allies encounters-conditional encounters-literal encounters-moving encounters-neutral encounters-set encounters-unset epigraph eviloverlord familiars fantasyworld fatigue femaleprotagonist fictionaluniverse forest forgottenrealms genderbender genderchoice giantinsects giantspiders glitchprotection gnolls gnomes goblins godlingprotagonist golems group halflings hazardouspowers healthbuffer highfantasy hitchance homingboulders humans identitycrisis infinityengine insectoids interactivedialogs inventory inventory-supplies itempickup-instant jewelry karma knives langchinesesimpl langturkish limitedcapacity lockpicking magic magic-delayed magic-somatic magic-verbal magicrings maleprotagonist mechanicexplained medieval meleeweapons monsters morale mp-bots mp-campaign mp-cooperative mp-rejoin mythmagnet namegenerator neutralnpcs npcammo npcstunning opengl orphanprotagonist playerexposition polearms prematuretaskcompletion prerenderedbackgrounds programming prophecy protagonistnaming pseudorealtime ragtaggang randomchance randomdamage resting river romance rooting ruins rumors sewers shapeshifters sharedsetting shopping slings sorcery spears specieschoice speciespenalty spellbooks spellmemory standingstones staves stealth stippletransparency stunning stupidevil subterranean summoning swords titlementioned tombstones tooltips town traps tutorial unarmedfighting undead unusualprotagonist uvl-tiein uvl-workingtitle vendortrash voicechoice voiceovers walking weefolk wilderness wyverns xp-deeds xp-kills xp-levelmatch xp-lockpicking xp-shared youngadultprotagonist Includes both base game and Tales of the Sword Coast expansion along with extra content such as the Black Pits arena mode, various fixes and updates to make the game more modern. The engine is closer to BG2's along with various changes that were made in BG2 and weren't in the original BG1, including class choices that weren't available in the original BG1. BG1EE also includes new possible party members. labelimageminimize
Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear  Beamdog2016 1life 2hmeleeweapons activepause adnd adv-progress adv-ptdistr adv-static alcohol autoattack axes backstabbing baldursgate bards basilisks berserkers bhaalspawn bloodlines bludgeons bodyarmor books bossbattles bows bridgecardgame caninoids capacity-slots capacity-stacks cemetery charactercreation cheapdeath chickens city classbased classbasedeq companion containers crossbows darts dialog-tree diaries dicemechanics dnd doors drunkenness dwarves elves encounters-allies encounters-conditional encounters-literal encounters-moving encounters-neutral encounters-set encounters-unset epigraph eviloverlord fantasyworld fatigue femaleprotagonist fictionaluniverse forest forgottenrealms genderchoice giantinsects giantspiders gnolls gnomes goblins godlingprotagonist golems group halflings hazardouspowers healthbuffer highfantasy hitchance homingboulders humans identitycrisis insectoids interactivedialogs inventory inventory-supplies itempickup-instant jewelry karma knives limitedcapacity lockpicking magic magic-delayed magic-somatic magic-verbal magicrings maleprotagonist medieval meleeweapons monsters mp-campaign mp-cooperative mythmagnet namegenerator neutralnpcs npcstunning opengl-2-0 playerexposition polearms prematuretaskcompletion prophecy protagonistnaming pseudorealtime ragtaggang randomchance randomdamage resting river romance rooting ruins sewers sharedsetting shopping slings sorcery spears specieschoice spellbooks spellmemory standingstones staves stealth steampowered stunning subterranean summoning swords titlementioned tombstones town traps unarmedfighting undead unusualprotagonist uvl-tiein vendortrash voicechoice voiceovers walking weefolk wyverns xp-deeds xp-kills xp-levelmatch xp-shared labelimageminimize
Risen 3: Titan Lords  Deep Silver (Piranha Bytes)2014 1life abilitycooldown achievements actionrpg adv-intermediary adv-ptdistr aircontrol alcohol alligators ambientcreatures animals apples armwrestling asymmetriccreatures autorun autosavepoints bananas beach bigcats bioluminescence birds blackpearls blocking bludgeons bodyarmor bossbattles capacity-unlimited cave chapters chargedabilities chargedattack chargers chemistry circadiancycle containers controlconfig cooking corpselooting counterattacks crafting crafting-sites crepuscularrays crocodilians crossbows crystals currency damagetypes dark-limited dashing demons depthoffield dialog-sentences difficulty difficulty-ingame directx9 dock dodging doors druids ducks enemyhealthdisplay environment-animate factions falldamage fasttravel fasttravel-points finiteopposition firearms fish flying foraging forest fruits fungus-mushrooms genderdiscrepancy giantcrustaceans giantinsects giantspiders gnomes goblinoids goblins golems gorillas handguns headswapping healing healingitems healingstations healthregen herbs holstering hostilewildlife insectoids insects interactivedialogs interrupting intimidation inventory island itemglow itemglow-manual itempickup-normal jewelry jumping jungle karma keys knockback ladders lamp lava lightbloom lockpicking lostpowers lostresources magic magic-sigils magic-somatic magicrings maleprotagonist map meleeweapons middleagedprotagonist mine minigames minimap monsters mystics namelessprotagonist neutralmonsters nochildren nodrm noshoprestocking npclooting npcschedules npcstrife obscuredtime openworld optionaltasks outlaws parrots parrying persistentworld physx pickaxe pickpocketing pirateprotagonist pirates plethoraofreferences potions powerups premadeprotagonist primates prospecting quickkeys rating-esrb-m rating-pegi-16 rating-usk-12 rebornprotagonist recipes recipes-mandatory recurrence-character resting risen-series rp-levelless ruins safepowers sauroids saveanywhere scavenging scenic scrolls seamonsters serious sex shapeshifting shopping shore shotguns skeletons skinning sorcery spectres speedtree spiders stealing stealth stealthmode steampowered subterranean summoning swimming swords targetident targetlock tasktracker telekinesis teleport temporarycompanions testudines threatdisplay throwingknives thrownweapons town traps treasurehunt trespassing tropic unarmedfighting undead vendortrash volumetriclighting voodoo walking walkingarmory wasteland watercraft watercraft-large watercraft-location watercraft-small waterfalls wetland wilderness wildlife woundless xp-deeds xp-kills Piranha Bytes, the creators of Gothic and Risen, return to their origins with a new, classic RPG. Risen 3: Titan Lords pulls the player in to a hand-crafted role-playing world full of rugged charm where every decision changes the course of the story. Risen 3: Titan Lords is set for release in August 2014 for the Xbox 360 games and entertainment system from Microsoft and for the PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system as well as Windows PC.

The key element of the cult Gothic series as well as Risen is the vivid world and the freedom to explore it. The world of Risen 3: Titan Lords will be diverse, authentic and full of life, providing the player with an authentic, classic RPG experience.

"Like a carpenter with a hand-crafted piece of furniture, we put together the story, the characters and the landscape until it all fits and the player has the possibility to discover things all around the place. You can try out and find things that others might not. Exploration is the key to our game", says Bjoern Pankratz, Project Lead at Piranha Bytes.

The world of Risen 3 is abandoned by all gods and suffers from the Titan Wars when a new threat rises from the soil. A young warrior is attacked from the shadows and deprived of his soul. He sets off to reclaim what is lost amidst the darkness that is spreading throughout the world. The banned Mages could be powerful allies on his quest. To get their help, he needs to find the Mage sanctuary on Taranis, also known as the Island of Thunder. Protected by the Guardians, the Mages search the mines of Taranis for crystals loaded with magic energy. Will the player join the Guardians to get in contact with the Mages? Or will he choose one of the other guilds in Risen 3 to reach his goals?***The retail versions are DRM free.
Moreover, the First Edition contains a DRM free copy of Risen 1, the Limited Shadow Lord Edition DRM free copies of Risen 1 and 2.
Dragon Age: Origins EA International (BioWare)2009 aaa abilitycooldown abilitydependencies activepause adv-ptdistr altcharfates autoattack automap autosavepoints axes backstabbing blood-motif bloodmagic book bows camp castle cave characterbackground charactercreation chemistry classbased cloakednpcs combatanimals cpplanguage criticalchance damagetypes darkisevil darksecret day1dlc deadondisplay demons demonspirits dialog-sentences difficulty difficulty-charscaling directx9 divineabsence doomsayers download draganddrop dragonage-series dragons drm-login dvd dwarves ea-origin eaaccess elves encyclopedia energyitems energyregen energyupkeep epic fightfirewithfire fmod forest formerhumans fortress genderchoice golems graychoices group group-subset healingitems healthregen healthregen-moderate heroicfantasy hillland homosexuals injuries interactivedialogs interfacespoilers inventory itemglow jewelry knockback langhungarian lesbians lipsync logitech-g15 mageslayers magic manaburn meleeweapons militantprotagonist monsterhunters monsters mutagen neutralnpcs nudity-inhuman objectiveindicator ogres paperdoll perchararelations phlebotinum pickpocketing playerexposition potions priorities protagonistdesigning protagonistdesigning-face protagonistnaming quickkeys ragtaggang refugees romance rookieprotagonist ruins saveanywhere selfupdate serialkey serious sevendeadlysins shapeshifters shopping sidetracked slobbery sluts socketables sorcery specieschoice spectres staining statuseffects stunning summoning swords targetident tasktracker thesoulless threatsystem timeskip transformativecorruption voicechoice weefolk werewolves wintery winvista winxp witchhunters xp-deeds xp-kills xp-lockpicking xp-shared Un mundo muy detallado y con grandes diferencias según el personaje que escojas, se presenta como un RPG de grupo muy entretenido y variado.

7 de 10***Initial impression was quite good. Just didn't last past going outside the initial Grey Warden camp, the forest (The Wilds) outside just seemed so rudimentary compared to anything prior. Advancing through the game seems to be only fun if you're interested in learning about the world (the lore) as it offers very little besides that.***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP or Vista
* 1.6GHz Core 2 Duo or 2.2 GHz Athlon 64
* 1 GB RAM
* 128 MB VRAM
* GeForce 6600 GT or Radeon X850 GPU
* 16 GB HD space***Latest version: 1.02 (as of 2009-12-07)***As the spiritual successor to BioWare's "Baldur's Gate", one of the most successful role-playing games in the industry, Dragon Age: Origins represents BioWare's return to its roots, delivering a fusion of the best elements of existing fantasy works with stunning visuals, emotionally-driven narrative, heart-pounding combat, powerful magic abilities and credible digital actors. The spirit of classic RPGs comes of age, as Dragon Age: Origins features a dark and mature story and gameplay. Epic Party-Based Combat – Dragon Age: Origins introduces an innovative, scalable combat system, as players face large-scale battles and use their party’s special abilities to destroy hordes of enemies and massive creatures. Powerful Magic – Raining down awesome destruction on enemies is even more compelling as players apply "spell combos," a way of combining together different spells to create emergent unique effects. Players develop their characters and gain powerful special abilities (spells, talents and skills) and discover ever-increasing weapons of destruction. With its emotionally compelling story, players choose with whom they wish to forge alliances or crush under their mighty fist, redefining the world with the choices they make and how they wield their power. Players select and play a unique prelude that provides the lens through which the player sees the world and how the world sees the player. The player's choice of Origin determines who they are and where they begin the adventure, as they play through a customized story opening that profoundly impacts the course of every adventure.***US 2009-11-03 on Steam, by Electronic Arts? (lang: eng, ...?)
EU 2009-11-05 on Steam, by Electronic Arts (lang: eng, spa, ita, cze, hun, fre, ger, pol, rus)
?? 2009-11-06 on Steam, by Electronic Arts? (lang: ??)***Working title: [i]Dragon Age[/i]

Spiritual successor to Baldur's Gate.
Gothic  Egmont Interactive;Xicat Interactive (Piranha Bytes)2001 1life 2hmeleeweapons abilitydependencies actionrpg adv-intermediary adv-ptdistr alcatraz alcohol asphyxiation autorun axes ballistics bartering bink blocking bloodless bludgeons books bows burning capacity-unlimited chapters chargedabilities chargers cheese circadiancycle clambering closedeconomy companyfirstgame containers cooking corpselooting coupdegrace crafting crazedsentients criticalchance crossbows currency damagetypes dark-limited demonicmenace demons dialog-sentences diaries directionalforce directionalforce-current download druggies dynamicweather eax2 enemyhealthdisplay energyitems factions falldamage falsegods finiteopposition foraging forest freezing fruits genderdiscrepancy glare goblinoids gog golems gothic-series graverobbing harpies healing-instant healingitems herbs holstering hostilewildlife idiots insectoids interactionhighlight interactivedialogs interrupting inventory isopods itemglow itempickup-normal jewelry jumping ladders lamp lighthouse lockpicking losemap magic magic-sigils magicrings maleprotagonist map meleeweapons middleagedprotagonist milessound mindcontrol mindcontrolling mine monsters mystics namelessprotagonist necromancers noenergyregen nohealthregen noinvpause noports npcdirections npcfleeing npcinventory npclooting npcschedules npcstrife nudity openended openworld optionaltasks orcs outlawprotagonist outlaws penalcolony persistentworld pickaxe pickpocketing plotimmortality possession potions powerups premadeprotagonist prerenderedingamecinematics prison projectilerecovery resting safepowers saveanywhere scavenging scrolls serious shapeshifting shopping skeletons skinning slowbackpedal smokes sorcery stealing stealth stealthmode stunlock subterranean summoning superalloy swimming swords targetident targetlock tasktracker telekinesis teleport temporarycompanions threatdisplay town trespassing trolls unarmedfighting undead underwaterdiving unfixedbugs unknownpast vendortrash versionvariations walking walkingarmory waterfalls wetland witnesses wolves woundless xp-deeds xp-kills zombies This nice German developed RPG adventure is set against the backdrop of a landscape savaged by war, the King of the human territories must find enough ore to forge weapons for his army to use in defence against the Orc Hordes. The King's mines are set in a large magical sphere and are worked by prisoners captured from across the kingdom. And it is into this sphere that you are thrown, charged with the task of delivering a letter – a letter that might just mark the turning point in the war against the Orcs. The Gothic world is constantly changing and evolving: events will occur that can alter the relationships between several groups of characters. NPCs are fully rounded with their own daily habits and relationships: they get up, work, go to bed, chat with each other and so on. More significantly, monsters cooperate with each other and are able to figure things out; they have individual perception. Some can be lured with food or noise, some will run away from bright light. Some can only hear or detect movement. Each character has the ability, with the correct training, to improve particular skills as the game progresses: training with the master of the sword, for example, will result in a character displaying noticeably more skilled swordsmanship. It is so much more satisfying to witness the effect of the skills you have learnt when they are visible in your character as oppose to a meaningless number rating, improving say, from 8 to 10. These 'optical' improvements are for the whole range of skills included in Gothic. The two different classes of magic (which are absolutely independent from each other) work along the same lines.***
Legendary  Gamecock;Atari (Spark Unlimited)2008 21stcentury achillesheelfoes aimmode airducts ambx ammomagazines assaultrifles autosavepoints axes backtrackingdenied bossbattles caninoids capacity-toolslots catastrophe city city-london-uk city-newyork-ny classicalfantasy colossi cpplanguage crepuscularrays damageindicator dedicatedclient diaries difficulty directx9 dissolvingcorpses download drm drm-activation dvd earth elevators europe firearms firstpersonshooter flamethrowers gamespy golems gore grapplers grecoromanmythology grenades gryphons handguns healthdrops hypermobilefoes inertscenery itemglow kraken ladders limitedcapacity machineguns magic meleeweapons minotaurs monsters monstrouschildren museum netframework npcgenerators npcspawning npcstrife objectiveclairvoyance objectiveindicator oneofmany openal openended outlawprotagonist pandorasbox pda physx quicktimeevent redemption rockets ruins sciencefantasy seamonsters secretsociety securom securom7 securompa separated sequelhook serialkey serious sewers shallowwater shotguns slowmotion sorcery stamina submachineguns subway temple temporarycompanions tentaclecreatures thermalweapons thiefprotagonist truemyths tutorial unrealengine3 usa vorbis walking werewolves whispers widescreen winvista winxp wxwidgets Latest version: retail***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP SP2 or Vista
* 2.6 GHz Pentium D or Athlon X2 3800+ CPU
* 2 GB RAM
* Radeon X1600 or GeForce 7600 GT GPU
* 9.5 GB HD space

* 2 GHz Dual Core CPU
* 4 GB RAM
* GeForce 8800 GT or Radeon HD3850 GPU***All creatures of ancient myth, legend and lore are real — they've just been sealed away for thousands of years inside Pandora's Box, waiting...

When a thief named Deckard is hired to steal an ancient artifact, he unwittingly triggers a war between man and myth.

Griffons rule the skies, Werewolves tear the innocent limb from limb and cities are held under siege as creatures we'd dismissed as imaginings of our ancestors prove to be very real and very angry for being held prisoner for untold millennia.

As the only person able to return these creatures to the box, Deckard finds that he must work with a shadowy secret society to save civilization before it is torn apart by tooth and claw.

* A mythical first person shooter set in an unprepared, modern world.
* A massive blockbuster movie experience — society collapses around you as man and machine take on beasts of legend in spectacular battle.
* Awe-inspiring fire-fights where high caliber ordinance meets beak, talon, fang and claw.
* Dynamic environments crumble around you as you and your enemies tear a living, breathing environment apart in your battle to stay alive.
* Devastation realized on an unprecedented scale. See London burn to the ground and witness New York torn apart through spectacular supernatural destruction.
* The enemy of your enemy is your enemy — witness and take part in three way battles as you combat the supernatural as well as the militant arm of an age old clandestine organization who prove to be a formidable opponent and adequate prey for the armies of mythical beasts.
* Take the battle online with multiplayer combat.
Glest Glest Team2004 aspectratio-4-3 basebuilding cpplanguage dragons glestengine golems magic openal opengl resourceharvesting xml labelimageminimize
Baldur's Gate  Interplay;Black Isle Studios (BioWare)1998 1life 2hmeleeweapons activepause adnd adv-progress adv-ptdistr adv-static alcohol autoattack axes backstabbing baldursgate bards basilisks berserkers bhaalspawn bloodlines bludgeons bodyarmor books bossbattles bows bridge brothel caninoids capacity-slots capacity-stacks castle cdrom cemetery charactercreation cheapdeath chickens city classbased classbasedeq companion compatiblewine containers crossbows darts datacaching death dialog-tree diaries dicemechanics difficulty difficulty-ingame direanimals directplay directx5 directx6 dnd doors doppelgangers druids drunkenness dungeon dvd dwarves elves encounters-allies encounters-conditional encounters-literal encounters-moving encounters-neutral encounters-set encounters-unset epigraph eviloverlord familiars fantasyworld fatigue femaleprotagonist fictionaluniverse forest forgottenrealms framesynced genderbender genderchoice giantinsects giantspiders glitchprotection gnolls gnomes goblins godlingprotagonist golems group halflings hazardouspowers healthbuffer highfantasy hitchance homingboulders humans identitycrisis infinityengine insectoids interactivedialogs inventory inventory-supplies ipx itempickup-instant jewelry karma knives limitedcapacity lockpicking magic magic-delayed magic-somatic magic-verbal magicrings maleprotagonist mechanicexplained mediaindrive medieval meleeweapons monsters morale mp-bots mp-campaign mp-cooperative mythmagnet namegenerator neutralnpcs npcammo npcstunning orphanprotagonist playerexposition polearms prematuretaskcompletion prerenderedbackgrounds programming prophecy protagonistnaming pseudorealtime ragtaggang randomchance randomdamage resting river romance rooting ruins rumors sewers shapeshifters sharedsetting shopping slings sorcery spears specieschoice speciespenalty spellbooks spellmemory standingstones staves stealth stippletransparency stunning stupidevil subterranean summoning swords titlementioned tombstones tooltips town traps tutorial unarmedfighting undead unusualprotagonist uvl-workingtitle vendortrash voicechoice voiceovers walking weefolk wilderness wyverns xp-deeds xp-kills xp-levelmatch xp-lockpicking xp-shared youngadultprotagonist This game can be played on HaikuOS using the GemRB replacement engine.***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows 95
* 166 MHz Pentium CPU
* 16 MB RAM
* 320 MB HD space

* 200 MHz Pentium MMX CPU
* 32 MB RAM
* 570 MB HD space***Latest version: 1.1.4315 (as of ?)***EAN-13: [code]3546430126868[/code] (Complete Compilation; 4 in 1 Boxset) - lang: eng, fre, ita, spa
... includes all games from the Bhaalspawn arc
... pre-patched to 1.1.4315***[b]companion[/b] - the familiar, if the player chooses a mage class (no other mages are allowed to have familiars for some reason).
[b]prophecy[/b] - in Candlekeep the chanters speak the prophecies of Alaundo.

--- averted (not worth tagging)
autoregen - characters with abnormally high constitution regenerate health automatically (and even then so slowly it hardly matters), most characters don't have it this high.***An attempt to perfectly reproduce the AD&D ruleset in a significant area of the AD&D world.
Up to 6 players can cooperate using TCP/IP, IPX, 1 player, 2 player, 3 player, 4 player, 5 player, or 6 player cooperative.
serial or modem connections.
The standard edition comes on no less than 5 CDs, The DVD edition contains the entire game on 1 DVD.

Uses the AD&D ruleset. is set in Forgotten realms where Baldur's Gate is a location. This game begins the Baldur's Gate series. Players can create and name Human, Elf, Dwarf, Half-Elf, Halfling, and Gnome characters of either gender of the Fighter, Mage, Thief, Cleric, Ranger, Druid, or Paladin classes. Some classes can engage in sorcery according to the AD&D ruleset. Players can also dual-class or multi-class according the AD&D ruleset. In a 1-player game, the player controls an entire party, in multiplayer games, each player can control one or more characters (or none at all). Players must cooperate, there is no competitive options in the game. There are multiple ways for a character to summon underlings for temporary help. Characters must sleep or suffer the effects of fatigued. Characters can also become poisoned, confused,charmed, enfeebled, paralyzed, turned to stone, encumbered, impaired, or drunk if the character does avoid situations that lead to such effects. The detail of the fantasy world this game takes place in seems to qualify it as belonging to the high fantasy genre. Characters can use bows, crossbows, slings, knives, swords, axes, bludgeons, pole arms, whips, or fight unarmed (non-lethal). A vast number of items can be aquired from stashes in the world, on defeated foes, or purchased from shops or individuals. The AI of the player's characters can be programmed in a scriptable language. But this is highly optional as adequate AIs are provided or the player can pause constantly to direct everybody with point-n-click commands; then unpause for as long as those commands are helpfully being executed. (Documentation for Scripting can be found on the 1st CD. Users have created AIs that can be found online and loaded into an existing game). Many NPC can be joined to the party and left to retrieve later. Some will leave if they are unhappy with the main characters actions. Evil people prefer the main character to do evil, good characters prefer good. Some NPC have their on purposes for joining and will stay of leave depending on the changing conditions matching their goals or not. The experience system follows the AD&D ruleset. This includes XP awarded for defeating enemies and for completing quests (which are documented on-the-fly in an automated journal that also records some plot information). The XP required to level up are preset according the the AD&D ruleset. When leveling up (at the players initiation, once the require XP are collected), skill points are awarded that can be distributed to a subset of skills available to the character's class (not all AD&D skills are included in this game). Several small village/towns can be visited and Baldur's Gate is a massive 10+ levels (not counting interiors that include multistory buildings) of civilization that approaches the definition of a city. Several large keeps make up whole levels (again not counting interiors that include multistory buildings). Several tall towers can be explored. Many multilevel mines and dungeons can or must be explored. Developers comments can be read on some tombstones a cemetery. [spoiler=View spoiler;Close]Bauldur's Gate has a sewer system as a location.[/spoiler]. Books, scrolls, and documents in the game offer extraneous details about the Forgotten Realms and Bauldur's Gate area, plot background, plot information, and character advancement training (rare). This game is available in a 5 CD set (original), 3 CD set, or on a single DVD to save on disc swapping. The game can be configured to run from the various CD or have them installed to hard drive per CD. But, upon running the game will require CD 1 to be in the drive for copy egest.
[spoiler=plot similarities;Close]The plot shares some similarities to events in the Book of The Watchers (from the Book of Enoch, an apocryphal Jewish writing). In Baldur's Gate, an unearthly being came to the earthly realm and copulated with mortal females. The children of these unions have unusual and advanced traits and eventual fight with and kill each other. In the book of the watchers, unearthly beings came to the earth and copulated with mortal females. The children of these unions are giants and eventually fight with and kill each other.[/spoiler]
(needs descrition, hazardouspowers, inventory, limitedcapacity, randomencounters, titlementioned, containers, infinityengine, karma, ,magic , voiceovers, cdrom, basilisks, ,caninoids ,giantspiders ,goblins ,godlingprotagonist ,golems ,undead , wyverns, forest, sewers, camping, lockpicking, romance, sorcery)
[Zerothis]***A great RPG where the AD&D world is perfectly reproduced.
A huge world to explore and wonderful graphics are the main reasons to try it out.
Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn  Interplay;Black Isle Studios (BioWare)2000 1life activepause adnd adv-static autoattack baldursgate bards bhaalspawn bloodlines capacity-slots castle cdrom charactercreation cheapdeath city classbased classbasedeq cloneconundrum clones companion compatiblewine containers damagetypes darts dataexport derivedstatistics dialog-tree dicemechanics difficulty directx7 dnd dolbysurround doors dragons dragons-western dungeon dvd ectsaward elves estate familiars fatigue femaleprotagonist forgottenrealms framesynced genderbender genderchoice gnomes godlingprotagonist gog golems group halflings hazardouspowers healthbuffer highfantasy hitchance homingboulders ichthyoids identitycrisis imps infinityengine interactivedialogs inventory inventory-supplies itempickup-instant jewelry karma liches limitedcapacity lockpicking lostresources mageslayers magic magic-delayed magic-somatic magic-verbal magicrings maleprotagonist medieval mindflayers mp-campaign mp-cooperative multiverse mythmagnet namegenerator neutralnpcs opengl orphanprotagonist paladins prematuretaskcompletion prerenderedbackgrounds protagonistnaming protectioncomplex pseudorealtime ragtaggang randomchance randomdamage resting romance rooting screenshake sentientartefact shadows shapeshifters shapeshifting sharedsetting shopping sorcery specieschoice speciespenalty spellbooks spellmemory staticpixelscale subclassing summoning swrender thesoulless tooltips traps treetoptown undead unusualprotagonist vampires vendortrash voicechoice voiceovers walking weefolk wildmagic win95 win98 xp-deeds xp-kills xp-levelmatch xp-lockpicking xp-shared This game can be played on Linux, Android, Mac, iOS, HaikuOS, BSD, and newer versions of Windows using the GemRB replacement engine.***Latest version: x.x.23037 (as of ?)***EAN-13: [code]3546430126868[/code] (Complete Compilation; 4 in 1 Boxset)
... includes all games from the Bhaalspawn arc***Mixes some 3rd edition classes into the 2nd edition rule-set.***From official site:

'Every world has conflict. Good and evil. Friend and foe. Safety and danger. In Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn?, you'll find yourself between these factions. This epic sequel will immerse you in a world of intrigue, adventure and fierce combat where your ability to discern the difference between these sides - with the assistance of steel and spell - determines your fate.

In Baldur's Gate I, you defeated your evil half-brother Sarevok and prevented your father Bhaal, the dead Lord of Murder, from returning to the Forgotten Realms. Now, in Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn?, the stakes have become much higher. Will you resist the evil within you, and forge a legend of heroic proportions? Or will you embrace your monstrous inner nature, and carve a swath of destruction across the Realms?

Your story begins anew in the exotic southern kingdom of Amn, amidst the opulence of the sinister capital city of Athkatla. Journey through the fierce, unforgiving wilderness of Amn, and through the treacherous caverns of the Underdark, in your quest for artifacts of awesome power and treasure of inestimable wealth.. even challenge dragons, if you dare. Such is the life of a legend.'
ArcaniA - A Gothic Tale  JoWood Productions (Spellbound Entertainment)2010 1life 2hmeleeweapons achillesheelfoes acid adv-ptdistr adv-static anatomicdamage ancientenemy animals armyofone automap autosavepoints axes ballistics blocking bludgeons bodyarmor bows burrowers canyon capacity-unlimited castle cave changinggoals chargedattack chargers chargingweapons chemistry circadiancycle city civilianprotagonist compass containers cooking corpselooting cpplanguage crafting crepuscularrays crossbows cryokinesis crystalentities crystals cultists deadlywater demo demonicmenace demons difficulty difficulty-ingame directx9 dock dodging doors drm drm-activation dualism dvd dynamicweather electrokinesis energyregen eviloverlord falldamage forcefields forest giantbeetles gianthumanoids giants giantworms goblinoids goblins golems gothic-series graverobbing healingitems heathaze herbs hintsystem hive hostilewildlife inorganics insectoids interactivedialogs inventory invisiblewalls island itemglow jewelry jumping keys knockdown leveluprestoration lockpicking lunatics magic magicrings medieval meleeweapons mine minimap monsters mountain mystics namelessprotagonist necklaces neutralmonsters neutralnpcs nohealthregen objectiveindicator obstacletranslucification openended openworld optionaltasks orcs orphanprotagonist outlaws physx playerexposition polearms potions premadeprotagonist prophecy pyrokinesis quickkeys rain recurrence-character refugees revenge roadsigns ruins rural safeledges safepowers sauroids saveanywhere scavenging scientists securompa selfupdate sequelhook serialkey shadermodel3 shallowwater shields shore skeletons soldiers sorcery spectacularforce spectres splatter ssao steampowered subtitlediscrepancy swarmers sweepingstrikes swords targetlock tasktracker teleporters threatdisplay town tropic tutorial tutorial-integrated undead unusualprotagonist visionengine walking war weathereffects wetland wildlife winvista winxp woundless xp-deeds xp-kills youngadultprotagonist zombies [b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP or Vista
* 3.2 GHz Pentium IV or Athlon 3500+ CPU
* 1 GB RAM
* 256 MB VRAM
* Radeon 1800XT or GeForce 6800 GPU
* 10 GB HD space***Working titles:
[*] Gothic 4: Arcania
[*] Gothic 4: Genesis
Arx Fatalis  JoWood Productions (Arkane Studios)2002 1life adv-ptdistr airlocks amnesia animateweapons antagonistawareness antimagiczones aristocrats attrbasedeq automap ballistics bludgeons bows capacity-slots castle cdrom cemetery charactercreation cheese chemistry chemistry-medicine chemistry-toxins chickens companyfirstgame cooking cultists dark deathfakers demo demons directx8 disguisedtriggers displacementfiction distracting divinechampion divinemenace doors draganddrop dragons drawing drm dungeon dungeoncrawler elevators energyregen fanpatch finiteopposition fromanotherworld fullbodyawareness gambling ghosts giantinsects giantspiders giantworms goblins gog golems graverobbing hazardouspowers healingitems hillland humanoidprotagonist humans immersivesim improvisedweapons ingamecinematics inventory itemdurability jumping ladders license-gpl liches limitedcapacity lockpicking magic magic-precast magic-sigils magicrings mediaindrive medieval meleeweapons minimap mummies murinoids mystics naga namelessprotagonist neutralmonsters neutralnpcs nohealthregen noinvpause nontolkienian ogres pointertoggle postapocalypse potions prophecy quake rating-esrb-m refillableliquidcontainers renegades repairing rescue rescuees saveanywhere screenshake search secrets secrets-mandatory securom securom1 serious shopping sidetracked skeletons skillbasedeq soldiers solomission sorcery sourcecodeavailable splatter stealing stealingnpcs stealth stealth-light stealth-sight stealth-sound steampowered subterranean subterraneanrealm subtitledeficient summoning swords systemsdriven toxins trapdisarming trespassing trolls uipointer undead visionenhancer voiceovers walking win2k win98 winxp xp-kills zombies Cast away from the surface of the Earth by the disappearance of the sun, Mankind lived hidden underground in the Fortress of Arx. Humans only have magic left to survive against Ratmen, Dragons and starvation...

But a much greater danger is hovering above the world of Arx Fatalis. Lurking in the eternal darkness of the mines, it feeds off the innocent souls of the city. It is not a monster. It is not human. It is pure evil.

The adventure has just started, and soon,
the fate of Arx, will be in your hands.

Arx Fatalis is a medieval heroic fantasy first person role playing game which places the accent on immersion, storyline and innovative magic system.

Arx Fatalis is intended for RPG and adventure players.

Dive into the universe of Arx

Arx Fatalis is an RPG that thrusts the player into an extremely complex fantastic world. Arx Fatalis combines a rich storyline with impressive medieval settings. The easy to use interface results in maximum interaction. The player is in an intense immersion state where he can feel how each one of his actions affects the surrounding world. The goal of the game is to reduce to nothing the cult of Akbaa, God of destruction and Chaos, and thus, prevent him from returning to the physical world. If the player fails, the demon will crush Arx under its rule of blood and terror.

The player, assuming the role of potential hero, fights in a large underground fortress, with wood clubs, swords, lances. and many magic artifacts, against the threat of multiple underground creatures (Goblins, Trolls, Ratmen and other vicious creatures.)

But rough power is not always the best road to victory. The hero may also use the new "screen magic" to advance. By using the mouse, magic runes have to be drawn and combined on screen in order to create powerful spells that will protect the player or give him the strength to defeat his enemies and to complete his quest.

In addition to the fight against demons and monsters, there is also a practically infinite number of interactions with the creatures and objects in the fortress, which enable the player to regain his memory, solve enigmas, and fulfill quests. By accumulating experience points, the player is able to lead his hero and train him any way he wants.

Dare to enter the world of Arx Fatalis. Explore the underground cities, secret temples, ancient mine tunnels, discover forgotten civilizations and dominate the magic of Arx Fatalis...***The game may suffer from severe [i]flickering[/i] and depth buffer issues under some circumstances. The actual cause is unknown as it fixed itself and I failed to reproduce it.

Bumb mapping used by the game is one of the earliest methods and causes some graphical glitching on at least NV's GPUs (buttons and doorways otherwise revealed by sufficiently high intuition are colored almost pitch black). Therefore it is recommended you disable it.

Forcing anti-aliasing causes some text to disappear, the game itself has no anti-aliasing options so this is only reminder not to do it in externally.***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows 98, ME, 2000 or XP
* 500 MHz Pentium II CPU
* 64 MB RAM
* 16 MB VRAM
* 750 MB HD space
* 4X CD-ROM drive

* 900 MHz Pentium III CPU
* 256 MB RAM
* 32 MB VRAM***Latest version: 1.21 (2011-01-14)

Version history:
* 1.18 (2007-10?)
Gothic 2  JoWood Productions (Piranha Bytes)2002 1life 2hmeleeweapons actionrpg adv-intermediary adv-ptdistr alcohol autorun axes ballistics blackpearls blocking bloodless bludgeons books bows burning capacity-unlimited castle cdrom chapters chargedabilities cheese chemistry chosenone circadiancycle clambering clergy containers cooking corpselooting coupdegrace crafting crepuscularrays criticalchance crossbows currency damagetypes dark-limited dialog-sentences divinechampion download dragons dragons-western dynamicweather eastereggs enemyhealthdisplay energyitems falldamage finiteopposition foraging forest fortunetelling freezing genderdiscrepancy giantrats glare goblinoids gog golems gothic-series healing-instant healingitems herbs holstering hostilewildlife illequipped ineptveteran insectoids interactionhighlight interactivedialogs interrupting inventory island isopods itempickup-normal jewelry jumping lamp lawenforcers lighthouse lockpicking losemap lostresources magic magic-ingredients magic-sigils magicrings maleprotagonist map meleeweapons middleagedprotagonist milessound monastery mystics namelessprotagonist necromancers nochildren noenergyregen nohealthregen noinvpause noports npcdirections npcinventory npclooting npcschedules npcstrife openended openworld optionaltasks orcs outlaws persistentworld pickaxe pickpocketing plotimmortality potions powerups premadeprotagonist projectilerecovery prostitutes recurrence-character resting rural safepowers sauroids saveanywhere scavenging scrolls serious sex shapeshifting sheep shopping skeletons skinning slowbackpedal smokes stealing stealth stealthmode summoning superalloy swimming swords targetident targetlock tasktracker teleport temporarycompanions threatdisplay tombstones town trespassing trolls unarmedfighting undead undeadanimals vendortrash walking walkingarmory waterfalls willowisps witnesses wolves woundless xp-deeds xp-kills zombies You have torn down the magical barrier and released the prisoners of the Mine Valley. Now the former criminals of the forests and mountains are causing trouble around the capital of Khorinis. The town militia is powerless due to their low amount of force–outside of the town, everyone is helpless against the attacks of the bandits.***Re-released together with the Night of the Raven expansion on 2005-11-29 as [i]Gothic 2 Gold Edition[/i]. labelimagesubject
Gothic 2: The Night of the Raven  JoWooD Productions (Piranha Bytes)2003 1life 2hmeleeweapons actionrpg adv-intermediary adv-ptdistr alcohol autorun axes ballistics beach blackpearls blocking bloodless bludgeons books bows burning canyon capacity-unlimited castle cdrom chapters chargedabilities cheese chemistry chosenone circadiancycle clambering clergy containers cooking corpselooting coupdegrace crafting crepuscularrays criticalchance crossbows currency damagetypes dark-limited dialog-sentences divinechampion download dragons dragons-western dynamicweather eastereggs enemyhealthdisplay energyitems falldamage finiteopposition foraging forest fortunetelling freezing genderdiscrepancy giantrats glare goblinoids gog golems gothic-series harpies healing-instant healingitems healthdraining herbs holstering hostilewildlife ineptveteran insectoids interactionhighlight interactivedialogs interrupting inventory island isopods itempickup-normal itemsets jewelry jumping karmiccreatures ladders lamp lawenforcers lighthouse livingfire lockpicking losemap lostcity magic magic-ingredients magic-sigils magicrings maleprotagonist map meleeweapons midastouch middleagedprotagonist monastery mystics namelessprotagonist necromancers nochildren noenergyregen nohealthregen noinvpause noports npcdirections npcinventory npclooting npcschedules npcstrife openworld optionaltasks orcs outlaws persistentworld pickaxe pickpocketing plotimmortality portals potions powerups premadeprotagonist projectilerecovery prostitutes recurrence-character resting rural safepowers sauroids saveanywhere scavenging screenshake scrolls secretsociety serious sex shapeshifting sheep shopping skeletons skinning slowbackpedal smokes spectres staves stealing stealth stealthmode summoning superalloy swimming swords targetident targetlock tasktracker teleport teleporters temporarycompanions threatdisplay tombstones town trespassing trolls unarmedfighting undead undeadanimals uvl-releases vendortrash walking walkingarmory waterfalls wetland wildboars willowisps willowtrees witnesses wolves woundless xp-deeds xp-kills zombies "When you're in need of something and don't know where to find it, go to Khorinis. There you can surely buy it." -- Saying (author unknown) The mine valley of Khorinis. The glorious days of the once productive mines in this small seaside region were long over. Surrounded by the impenetrable magical barrier, the slaves eked out their miserable existence in this apparently natural prison.
One brave man managed to burst the bonds of imprisonment. Following his own call to freedom, he ventured deep into the subterranean temples. Willing to do whatever was necessary, he went out to banish Evil and destroy the magical barrier forever. Spurred by the hatred of men long-suppressed, the prisoners streamed trough the only pass to freedom.
No one in Khorinis had been prepared for this. Too long had they lived under the deceptive notion of security granted by the apparently indestructible magical dome. The small militia garrison could not put up enough forces against the onrush. After numerous bloody clashes, many captives escaped and found safety in the woods or rugged mountains of the surrounding countryside.
The steadily escalating number of raids in the vicinity of the town wall and the bandits' ever-increasing boldness seemed to paralyze the whole town. Angered by the militia's inability to protect their farms, some of the farmers formed an alliance with the refugees, no longer willing to pay allegiance to the king.
Khorinis is facing an uncertain future. Due to the farmers' decreasing production, more and more of the food deliveries do not take place, and the stocks diminish continuously. The militia's might ends at the town gate. Outside the town wall, nobody is safe from the bandits' armed raids. There is war in Khorinis. A civil war.
But there is something else that could not be foreseen. Evil is not dead, rearing its ugly head again. But this time it is set on delivering the deathblow to humanity, and no one can stop it.
No one?***Adds one more area to the game as well as re-balances the gameplay otherwise. Pretty much like a huge patch.***English version was released as part of the Gothic 2 Gold combined re-release (2005-11-29), never sold in English separately.
Gothic 3  JoWooD Productions;Deep Silver;Aspyr Media (Piranha Bytes)2006 1life 2hmeleeweapons actionrpg adv-intermediary adv-ptdistr aircontrol alcohol animals autorun axes backstabbing ballistics bananas bartering beach bison blocking bloodless bludgeons bodyarmor bows burning butterflies capacity-unlimited carrots castle cattle cave centauroids cervids chargedabilities chargedattack chemistry chickens chosenone circadiancycle classless closedeconomy compass containers controlconfig cooking corpselooting coupdegrace crafting crafting-sites crocodiles crocodilians crossbows currency damagetypes dark-limited dashing demons depthoffield dialog-sentences difficulty difficulty-ingame dinosaurs divinechampion dragons dragons-western druids dualwielding dvd dynamicweather eastereggs elementals enemyhealthdisplay energyitems energyregen environment-animate excavation factions falldamage fanpatch finiteopposition foraging forest freezing fruits genderdiscrepancy goblinoids gog goldnuggets golems gothic-series headswapping healing healing-instant healingitems healthregen healthwarning herbs holstering hostilewildlife hunting ineptveteran insectoids interactivedialogs interrupting inventory isopods itempickup-normal jewelry jumping lagomorphs lamp langhungarian lightbloom lions lockpicking losemap lostresources magic magic-somatic magicrings maleprotagonist map meleeweapons middleagedprotagonist monastery mummies mystics namelessprotagonist necromancers noantagonist nochildren noinvpause nomads nonlinear noshoprestocking novintfalcon npcinventory npclooting npcschedules npcstrife obscuredtime openworld optionaltasks orcs outlaws persistentworld physx pickaxe pickpocketing pigs plains postwarperiod potions powerups premadeprotagonist projectilerecovery quickkeys rating-esrb-t rebellion recipes recipes-mandatory recurrence-character resting rhinoceroses ruins safepowers saveanywhere scavenging scenic scrolls seamlessworld search serious shapeshifting shields shopping shore skeletons skinning slavery slowbackpedal smokes snakes sorcery speedtree stamina staves stealing stealth stealthmode stunlock summery summoning superalloy swimming swords taming targetident targetlock tasktracker telekinesis teleport temporarycompanions testudines thickvegetation threatdisplay timechange timecontrol town toxins trespassing trolls unarmedfighting undead uvl-missingimages vendortrash walking walkingarmory warriorprotagonist wasteland waterfalls wildboars wildlife wintery witnesses wolves woundless xp-deeds xp-kills zombies Also published by Game Factory Interactive (GFI) in Russia.***THE STORY

Players saved their home island Khorinis from the forces of evil in [[gameid:47040 Gothic]] and [[gameid:102172 Gothic 2]]. Now it is time to travel to the realms of the mainland, where invading Orcs have enslaved the human kingdom. There are only a few free humans living in the nearly uninhabitable icy northlands of Nordmar and in the southern desert of Varrant, and a handful of rebels hiding in the mountainous forests of the Middle Realm. Players can choose to join the rebellion and stay true to the deposed human king, serve the Orcish usurpers in their quest to topple the last remaining human stronghold, or choose a path that serves their own ends. Every decision made will have an impact on the game world and tip the balance of power. There is no simple linear story in Gothic 3 - every game will be different and unique, with the player ultimately deciding the fate of humankind.


* Huge free-roaming, hand-crafted world with no loading times once you are in the game
* All new combat system that allows unprecedented control over melee attacks
* Clear, non-linear objectives within the main story allow the player to influence the outcome of the narrative
* Living world where the player's interactions with characters have a dramatic impact on gameplay
* Engrossing storyline driven by the player's choices
* Countless side-quests for the player to explore
* More than 50 different monsters and dozens of human enemies
* A host of powerful spells and a huge variety of weapons
* Advanced and complex human behavior AI for hundreds of individual characters, all featuring high quality audio dialogues
* Unique class-free character development -- the absence of rigid character classes means players can choose to train their character with a wide variety of military and magical powers
* Soundtrack by the Bochum Symphony Orchestra, a world class orchestra from Bochum, Germany
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2  Konami (MercurySteam)2014 adv-xpdistr airlocks antiheroprotagonist autosavepoints bink blocking bossbattles castle castlevania cleargame clones colossi comicrelief contrails cyborgs dashing defensebreaking demons depthoffield diaries doppelgangers fmod giantmonsters golems immortality interactionhighlight jumping ledges loadrecap lutris magic magicartefacts magicweapons mecha meleeweapons mercuryengine metroidvania minimap monsters motionblur mutagen neutralmonsters newgameplus objectiveindicator parkinglot physx portals possession present quicktimeevent rage rating-pegi-18 rewardingvandalism ruins safepits satan sciencefantasy scientists sentientstructure sequence-stealth shieldbreakers shopping skeletons skipnoninteractive sorcery spectaclebrawler splatter steampowered swords tasteofpower temporarycompanions titlementioned tutorial unarmedfighting upgradesystem vampireprotagonist vampires walking whips labelimageminimize
Blood of the Werewolf Scientifically Proven2013 disappearingplatforms download femaleprotagonist golems monsters movingplatforms secrets steampowered therianthropeprotagonist undead vampires Muy similar a un Castlevania clásico, controlas a una licántropa, lo que hace que el juego sea una alterancia entre fases a dos patas y con ballesta y zonas bajo la luz selenita y dos garras bien afiladas.

Especialmente notable la música del juego y el transfondo del personaje.

6 de 10
Darksiders II  THQ (Vigil Games)2012 actionadventure actioncamera adv-ptdistr adv-static afterlife aimassist aimmode alienearth angels autoaim autumnal axes balancebeams bink bludgeons bonusbosses bossbattles bulkycharacters castle chasms city claws collectibles colorful colossi combomoves crystals damageinfo darksiders-series deathpits demons difficulty dimensionaltravel directx9 earth elevators environmentalpuzzle equipmentbased fallimpact fasttravel finishingmoves firearms flyingcity flyingislands fourhorsemen giantbeetles giantshoulderpads golems grapplinghook hackandslash handguns havokphysics heathaze humanoidprotagonist insectoids interactivedialogs jumping ladders lasso lava levelbasedeq magic magneticshoulders map meleeweapons metroidvania minibosses monkeybars monsters newgameplus noantagonist nofalldamage nofriendlyfire objectiveclairvoyance objectiveindicator optionaltasks poles portals puzzlebosses rage respec rewardingvandalism riding safepowers samsara scaleform secondaryantagonist secrets shopping skeletons sorcery spectres steppingstones subway summery summoning supermode supernaturalprotagonist swimming tangibleabstracts targetlock tasktracker temporarycompanions tower undead underwaterdiving unlimitedammo unlockable-difficulty volcanic walking wallrunning wellofsouls wintery wwise xinput xp-deeds xp-kills labelimageminimize
Heroes of Might and Magic V  Ubisoft (Nival Interactive)2006 3plusfactions 4ormoreresources absoluterulership adv-perks adv-static alternatingprotagonist angels ashan asymmetricfactions cerberi cinematiccamera combatmode compatiblewine concession-enemy concession-player control-groups cpplanguage cpu-pentium4 demons demons-western difficulty directx9 dragons dragons-western druids dvd elves energyregen energystations fmod ghosts golems gremlins grid grid-square gryphons hellhounds homm hydrae imps infiniteresources initiative inorganics inventory jinn knights layers leveleditor liches lua magic mightandmagic minotaurs missionbased mp-ffa mp-lms mp-saves mp-teams multiplecampaigns mystics necromancers noports persistentminions playerprofiles polycephalids portals powermimicry proprietarynetwork rakshasa rating-esrb-t rating-pegi-12 rating-usk-12 recallportal resourcetransfer resultestimation saveanywhere serious shadermodel1 shopping silentstormengine skeletons sprites structureexpansions structureupgrades succubi tactical teleport thoroughfares title-cinematic treants tutorial undead undeadmonsters unicorns unitstacks vampires voiceovers vorbis war wargame win2k winxp xml zombies Latest version: 1.6 (as of ?)***[b]Campaigns:[/b]
* The Queen
* The Cultist
* The Necromancer
* The Warlock
* The Ranger
* The Mage***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows 2000 or XP
* 1.5 GHz Pentium IV or Athlon CPU
* 512 MB RAM
* 128 MB VRAM
* GeForce 4 Ti 4200 or Radeon 8500 GPU
* 32X CD-ROM drive

* 2.4 GHz Pentium IV or Athlon CPU
* 1 GB RAM
* 256 MB VRAM
* GeForce FX 6600 or Radeon X800 GPU
* Dolby Surround 5.1***The Heroes franchise enters a new era. Dive into the new groundbreaking Might and Magic universe for the most complete strategy gaming experience ever created.

* Cutting edge technology: For the first time, experience the world of Might & Magic in a full breathtaking 3D animated world supported by a consistent and modern graphic style.
* Deep scalable turned-based battle system for challenging and tactical combats: find out the combat system that made the success of the Heroes series or experience the brand new Dynamic Battle System. Choose from over 200 skills, 170 creatures' abilities and 40 spells to build up your heroes and their armies.
* New darker heroic fantasy universe: discover a completely revamped and more mature universe that features 6 unique factions and over 80 different creatures.

Live the adventure like never before through a grasping storyline that features special objectives, numerous side quests and plot twists.

* Complete strategy experience: during 6 campaigns and over 30 missions, experience the finest blend of adventure, strategy, tactics, management and role play ever brewed, through a user friendly yet deep turn based system that favours tactical thinking over button mashing.
* Competitive and addictive intense multiplayer parts: The wait is over. Discover for the first time new options that will allow you to play simultaneously or even when it is not your turn!
* Heroes of Might and Magic V also introduce the new exclusive Duel mode: challenge your opponent in fierce battles where only the slyest shall prevail.
* Experience everlasting adventure thanks to the map editor provided.
Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes  Ubisoft (Capybara Games)2011 adv-static alternatingprotagonist angels ashan cervids combatmode combobonuses conspiracy demo demonicinvasion demons dragons druids elves falselyaccused femaleprotagonist forest ghosts golems gremlins grid grid-square gryphons highfantasy hybridgame jinn knights magic maleprotagonist match3 mightandmagic mystics rakshasa recruiting sprites steampowered teenprotagonist treants undead undeadprotagonist unicorns vampires veterancy visualmatching war xp-kills zombies Might & Magic Clash of Heroes takes place 40 years before the Heroes V saga. Scattered across five different regions of Ashan, five special heroes must travel their own dangerous paths to grow in strength, unravel a demonic plot, and ultimately save the world from Chaos.

Key Features:
* Master unique and dynamic combat mechanics
* Art of tactics: Create offensive or defensive unit formations, learn advanced combos and make the best of your spells and artifacts to build up the right strategy and overcome your enemies.
* Various challenges: Defeat the enemy heroes by crossing their armies in standard battles. Launch into special challenges and Boss fights where your strategic skills will be put to a severe test. Solve puzzle * battles by finding the right combination and wipe out the enemy in a limited number of turns.
* Unit management: Earn & hire units with different attributes and abilities to create your ultimate army combination.
* Heroes rising: Become more powerful after each battle by earning XP points and level- up your hero and your units.
* HD art, music & sounds: Enjoy the rich Might & Magic universe.

Experience an Epic Adventure:
* Vibrantly detailed settings: Explore highly detailed maps full of knights, elves, wizards, necromancers, and demons and interact with a unique manga-style inspired environment.
* Prequel to Might & Magic® Heroes®: Play the childhood of the five main Heroes: Anwen, Godric, Fiona, Aidan and Nadia.
* Traverse the fantasy world of Ashan: Recruit & level up units, and discover hidden artifacts to build the most powerful army.
* Hot seat 1v1 and Online 2 to 4 Players PVP & Coop Mode on Steam™
* Multiple Heroes: Choose from 10 different characters, each one featuring unique spells and abilities.
* Build your own army: Select the best combination of creatures and artifacts to give you the strongest advantage on the battlefield.
* Join a friend and face up to two opponents in dynamic and strategic co-op battles.
Dota 2  Valve2013 abilitycharges adv-perks ambientcreatures announcer antiepilepsy aoeindicator attributedrain autocast baseincome bloodless brittleabilities broodlings caricature censored centauroids colorblind comboactions compplay deathrecap decoupledresolution demons deployablesensors derivedstatistics desperatepower direct3d dragons dwarves elementals elves esports fatties fogofwar forcedaggro forcedpolymorph forcedteleport fractionals friendlyfire-purposeful giants giantspiders golems hugeweapons ichthyoids importedglitch inorganics insectoids inventory itemcharges itemrecharging levelcap liches lifepowered livingwater lua magic manaburn markers mentoring microtransactions minibosses moba monsters mp-friends mp-nodupes mp-npcallies mp-pause mp-ranked mp-rejoin mp-spectating mp-teams mp-voting mystics nocamerapan nonsensicalgear nontolkienian nostrayfire npcstunning openbeta opengl percentagedamage playercommendations playerreporting plethoraofreferences powerups pvpve regionlocked replays resourcedenial robots rooting sciencefantasy selfduplication selfupdate sixense skeletons sorcery source2engine sourceengine ssao steamworks steamworkshop stunlock stunning summoning teamawareness teleswap textmacros tutorial ugc undead ursinoids voicechat voicemacros vulkanapi walking weefolk wildcardeqslots x86 x86-32 x86-64 Dota 2 Reborn is a major named update which includes new game engine (Source 2), new interface, and support for much broader variety of custom games. Source 2 by itself brings large number of updates like Vulkan support.***Ni tan simple como el LOL ni tan complejo como el HON, esta resurrección del MOBA original se presenta como un juego muy recomendable, especialmente por ser completamente F2P (sólo los estéticos son de pago)

Eso sí, el tutorial es lento y pesado y además debiera ser ignorable, hacerlo obligatorio es un gran fallo para cualquiera que no sea un novato en este tipo de juegos.

7 de 10***[b]Radiant heroes:[/b]
[b]Strength:[/b] Earthshaker, Sven, Tiny, Kunkka, Beastmaster, Dragon Knight, Clockwerk, Omniknight, Huskar, Alchemist
[b]Agility:[/b] Anti-Mage, Drow Ranger, Juggernaut, Mirana, Morphling, Vengeful Spirit, Riki, Sniper, Ursa, Bounty Hunter
[b]Intelligence:[/b] Crystal Maiden, Puck, Storm Spirit, Windrunner, Zeus, Lina, Shadow Shaman, Tinker, Nature's Prophet, Enchantress, Jakiro, Chen, Silencer

[b]Dire heroes:[/b]
[b]Strength:[/b] Axe, Pudge, Sand King, Slardar, Tidehunter, Skeleton King, Lifestealer, Night Stalker, Doom Bringer, Spirit Breaker
[b]Agility:[/b] Bloodseeker, Shadow Fiend, Razor, Venomancer, Faceless Void, Viper, Broodmother, Weaver, Spectre
[b]Intelligence:[/b] Lich, Lion, Witch Doctor, Enigma, Necrolyte, Warlock, Queen of Pain, Death Prophet, Pugna, Dazzle, Leshrac, Dark Seer, Batrider, Ancient Apparition, Invoker