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namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
BOH author1999 automap bossbattles boxed cdrom commercial dark deadends deathpits demo desura difficulty directionalforce disappearingplatforms display-320x240 doors download endlessopposition fieldofvision harmfultouch healthpickups indie keys langnorse lasersight lineofsight minimap missionreset onewaypassages retro sdl suicideattackers traps tutorial undefinedelements unlimitedammo variablevisuals vorbis walking x86 labelimagesubject
Egoboo  -2001 clanguage opengl sdl vorbis labelimageminimize
Ys I & II Chronicles+  Nihon Falcom;XSEED Games (Nihon Falcom)2001 ancientenemy bossarenas bossbattles collisionattacks deities difficulty harmfultouch ineptveteran ingametitle island meleeweapons midastouch monsters notquiteearth origlang-japanese outlanderprotagonist physicalgods steampowered teenprotagonist town vorbis warriorprotagonist ys-series labelimageminimize
Advanced Strategic Command  ?2001 aspectratio-4-3 cpplanguage grid grid-hex leveleditor sdl vorbis labelimageminimize
Star Trek: Away Team  Activision (Reflexive Entertainment)2001 aliens beamweapons cdrom directx8 energyweapons extraterrestrial future grenades group ipx noports precisionrifles sharedsetting spacefaringage startrek tcpip uvl-tiein vorbis war win2k win95 win98 labelimagesubject
Necromania: Trap of Darkness Cinemax (DarkSoft)2002 directx8 opengl premadecharacters vorbis labelimageminimize
Big Box Of Blox Cheapass Games (Digital Eel)2002 directx6 fallingblocks licensechange openal opengl sdl visualmatching vorbis win2k win95 win98 winxp labelimageminimize
Xenocide  author2002 1life 22ndcentury aliens beamweapons cpplanguage cursesgui dungeon energyweapons fmod future grenades insectoids mapgenerator meleeweapons monsters permadeath quitsave randomdamage robots roguelike singlesave spacecraft-location tutorial vorbis labelimageminimize
Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project Arush Entertainment (Sunstorm Interactive)2002 autozoom beamweapons bombs bossbattles captives city directx8 dukenukem energyweapons firearms handguns jumppack ladders leveleditor lighthearted lives lutris machineguns macho maleprotagonist midairjumping monsters murinoids mutants prism3dengine pseudo3d rating-adese-16 rating-esrb-m steampowered suidoids titularcharacter vorbis labelimageminimize
The Thing  Black Label Games;Torus Media (Computer Artworks)2002 1life achillesheelfoes actionadventure amalgams ambienttemperature anatomicdamage antarctica atlastmoment bodyhorror bossbattles cdrom conspiracy constrainedlocale damageovertime directx8 doors doppelgangers drm earth evilmilitary firearms flamethrowers gore grenades grotesque group humanexperiments humanmonsters hypothermia latemodernperiod locationaldamage metamorphosis militantprotagonist militaryfiction monsters movie naturalhazards npcanxiety parasites present rating-esrb-m researchfacility savepoints securom securom4-7 serious shapeshifters simtrust suicide survivalhorror temporarycompanions thermalweapons thething unusualprotagonist voiceovers vorbis walking win2k win98 wintery winxp labelimagesubject
Mafia Gathering of Developers;Take 2 Interactive (Illusion Softworks)2002 1930s 20thcentury ammomagazines aspectratio-4-3 bink city clandestine compass compatiblewine crimefiction directx8 display-1280x1024 dodging driving drm drm-mediacheck earth firearms fuel gangsters gtalike handguns hapticfeedback hispanicprotagonist historicalfiction holstering improvisedweapons inventory jumping lawenforcers lightmaps lipsync mafia mafia-series mediaindrive meleeweapons naturalistic northamerica openworld organizedcrime outlawprotagonist outlaws playerprofiles prohibitionera reload-real speedlimits tutorial usa vorbis walking labelimagesubject
Noiz2sa ABA Games2002 dlanguage opengl sdl vorbis labelimageminimize
Crimsonland Reflexive Entertainment (10tons Entertainment)2003 1life adv-perks aliens arenashooter assaultrifles fallbackweapon firearms giantinsects giantspiders guidedweapons mp-cooperative npcgenerators powerups reload-auto rockets serious slowmotion splatter steampowered vorbis xp-kills zombies labelimageminimize
Flatspace Cornutopia Software2003 directx9 download flatspace-series space spacecraft spacecraft-small stacsim vorbis labelimagesubject
Secret Maryo Chronicles  SMC Team2003 cpplanguage did leveleditor opengl rescue sdl vorbis win2k winvista winxp xml labelminimizeminimize
Unreal II – The Awakening  Infogrames (Legend Entertainment)2003 1life aliens aspectratio-4-3 assaultrifles blackprotagonist cdrom cpplanguage difficulty directx8 display-1024x768 doors drm eax3 elevators energyweapons extraterrestrial fallbackweapon firstpersonshooter future grenadelaunchers healthbuffer humanoidanimals inertscenery insectoids interactivedialogs jumping lawenforcerprotagonist leaning mediaindrive missionbased openal powerarmor robots sauroids securom serious solomission spacecraft-location spacefaringage thermalweapons tutorial unreal unrealengine2 voiceovers vorbis walking walkingarmory widescreen win2k win98 winxp labelimageminimize
rRootage ABA Games2003 dlanguage opengl sdl vorbis labelimageminimize
Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis  Vivendi Universal;Sierra Entertainment (Blue Tongue Entertainment)2003 2000s 21stcentury amusementpark book cdrom cmsgame dinosaurs directx8 disease dynamicweather earth fmod hunger island jurassicpark latemodernperiod mapgenerator mediaindrive movie needs npcanxiety present pseudocheats rain ramparts serious subtropic terraindeformation tropic vorbis weathereffects zoo labelimageminimize
GISH Chronic Logic;GarageGames;Halycon Media;My Game Company (Cryptic Sea)2003 alone amoeboidprotagonist amoeboids ceilingclinging ceilingtraversal demo did download elevators findexit gish-series healthpickups humblebundle igfgrandprizeaward igfinnovationaward igfnominee indie leveleditor license-gpl lighthearted lives lutris metaballs minecarts monsters openal opengl physics rescue sdl secrets spawners subterranean undefinedlocomotion underwaterdiving vorbis wallclinging walltraversal win2k win98 winvista winxp labelimageminimize
Dr. Blob's Organism Cheapass Games (Digital Eel)2003 amoeboids directx6 licensechange nohumans opengl sdl vorbis win2k win95 win98 winxp labelimageminimize
A7Xpg ABA Games2003 dlanguage opengl sdl vorbis labelimageminimize
Head over Heels RetroSpec2003 allegro controlswitch cooperation directx3 knightlorelike multiprotagonists nonhumanprotagonist roombased separatedprotagonists vorbis labelimageminimize
PARSEC47 ABA Games2003 dlanguage opengl sdl vorbis labelimageminimize
Devil Whiskey Shifting Suns Studios2003 cdrom demo download gridmove pythonlanguage sdl vorbis labelimageminimize
Globulation 2 -2004 amoeboids basebuilding builders destructibleenvironment fogofwar indirectcontrol license-gpl opengl priorities resourceharvesting sdl swrender tutorial vorbis win2k win98 winxp labelimageminimize
Keys of the Kingdom Left Behind Games2004 arthurianmyth cdrom christian colormatching directx earth environmentalpuzzle explosives fallingblocks fullscreen grid grid-square middleages naturalistic slidingpuzzle spatiallogic tilebased transportpuzzle visualmatching vorbis win2k win98 winvista winxp labelimagesubject
Torus Trooper ABA Games2004 abstract dlanguage sdl tubeshooter vorbis labelimageminimize
TUMIKI Fighters ABA Games2004 abstract dlanguage opengl sdl vorbis labelimageminimize
Perimeter  Codemasters;1C Company (K-D LAB)2004 alternatingprotagonist apocalyptic aspectratio-4-3 basebuilding beamweapons builders burrowers construction-gradual dimensionaltravel download drm dvd energyshields energyweapons flyingcity foundations fromanotherworld future gamespy gog imaginarybeings insectoids logistics mediaindrive missionbased monsters nanotechnology otherworld perimeter-series playerprofiles portals replays robots securom securom5 serious steampowered supervisorprotagonist terraindeformation timecompression titlementioned transformation tutorial vorbis win2k win98 winxp xml labelimageminimize
COPS 2170: The Power of Law Strategy First;DreamCatcher Europe;Game Factory Interactive (MiST Land South)2004 1life 2170s 22ndcentury adv-undefined aspectratio-4-3 assaultrifles cdrom city control-individuals cpu-pentium3 cyborgs deadends directx9 display-800x600 energyweapons extraterrestrial femaleprotagonist firearms friendlyfire future giantanimals grenades grid grid-hex group hexapeds inventory lawenforcerprotagonist mars mediaindrive morale murinoids mutants noports racism-speciesism rating-esrb-t rebellion robots saveanywhere serious spacefaringage subterranean subway tactical tacticalrpg tga turnbasedcombat vorbis walking win2k win98 winxp xp-undefined labelimageminimize
Jets'n'Guns  Rake in Grass2004 autopause-lostfocus bombs dingy directx9 energyweapons guidedweapons humor-blue machineguns newgameplus nonsense rockets scrollingshooter shopping splatter unlimitedammo upgradesystem vehiclecustomization vorbis weaponupgrades labelimageminimize
ActiveDolls Pineapple Works2005 directx9 vorbis labelimageminimize
Blocksum Infotech2005 cdrom directx9 download math netframework netranking score scoreoriented visualmatching vorbis win2k winxp labelimageminimize
BorderZone 1C Company (Orion Games;Saturn Plus)2005 alienearth audiere bink directx8 distantfuture earth fantasticearth fullscreen future futureearth magic meleeweapons mixedtheme npatches postapocalypse sciencefantasy steampowered tga vorbis win2k win98 winxp labelimagesubject
Adanaxis Mushware2005 beamweapons cpplanguage demo opengl plasmaweapons rubylanguage sdl space vorbis xml labelimageminimize
Metal Heart: Replicants Rampage  Akella;DreamCatcher Interactive (NumLock Software)2005 aspectratio-4-3 cdrom cpplanguage crossbows cyborgs firearms group handguns healingitems insectoids inventory keys lua monsters mutants otherworld rating-pegi-16 robots stranded tga turnbasedcombat tutorial vorbis wasteland win2k windowsmedia winxp labelimagesubject
Star Wars: Republic Commando LucasArts;Electronic Arts (LucasArts)2005 aliens aspectratio-4-3 beamweapons cdrom cpplanguage directx9 doors download energyweapons facelessprotagonist firstpersonshooter gamespy group hud-explained industrial-setting insectoids laserbolts laserweapons lutris mediaindrive militantprotagonist militaryfiction missionbased openal otherworld rating-esrb-t robots savepoints serialkey serious shadermodel1 spacefaringage starwars starwars-skywalker thx-1138 titularcharacter unrealengine2 uvl-releases uvl-tiein voiceovers vorbis win2k win98 winxp labelimageminimize
Psychotoxic  NuClearVision Entertainment;Whiptail Interactive (NuClearVision Entertainment)2005 cpplanguage dreamworld femaleprotagonist fmod lua monsters uvl-workingtitle vorbis labelimageminimize
Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30  Ubisoft (Gearbox Software)2005 1940s 20thcentury aaa assaultrifles brothersinarms-series capacity-toolslots cpplanguage difficulty directx9 drm dvd firearms firstpersonshooter france grenades group group-leader handguns limitedcapacity militantprotagonist militaryfiction multilingual naturalistic objectiveindicator openal precisionrifles rehash rural safedisc serious shadermodel1 speech-german submachineguns tactical trivialobstacles tutorial unrealengine2 vorbis war widescreen win2k winxp worldwar worldwar2 labelimageminimize
Cold Fear Ubisoft Entertainment (Darkworks)2005 1life actionadventure ammomagazines biogrowth bossbattles cdrom compressedgas crazedsentients directx9 drm drm-removed firearms fmod gore grotesque guardprotagonist handguns heavyweather humanexperiments mediaindrive militantprotagonist naturalhazards oilrig openended pacificocean parasites rating-esrb-m renderwareengine safedisc savepoints serious shadermodel1 submachineguns survivalhorror swayinglevels voiceovers vorbis walking watercraft-location win2k winxp labelimagesubject
Psychonauts Majesco;Double Fine Productions (Double Fine Productions)2005 ♫1812overture awardgdcwriting childprotagonist children childvictims clanguage demo difficultyspike directx9 dreamworld eax2 forest gameoftheyear hammerspace hugeheads invisibleanatomy license-crossplatform luchadores mexican-theme mystery nightmare openal playablemenu powercorrupts prodigalprotagonist psionics-theme psychicpowers psychics rating-esrb-t sequence-defend shadermodel1 shopping summercamp surreal unusualprotagonist voiceovers vorbis walking win2k win98 winxp labelimagesubject
Desert Law  Cenega;1C Company (ARISE)2005 bink cdrom comiccutscenes earth fmod lua postapocalypse rating-pegi-12 rpgelements steampowered vorbis wasteland labelimagesubject
Postal²: Apocalypse Weekend  Running With Scissors;Resi Network (Running With Scissors)2005 antiheroprotagonist arizona cdrom civilianprotagonist cruelty-potential desura excretion firearms firstpersonshooter insaneprotagonist malevolentprotagonist neutralnpcs northamerica postal rating-esrb-m shovels steampowered town unrestrictedviolence vorbis walkingarmory labelimageminimize
Pariah Groove Games (Digital Extremes)2005 1life 2520s 26thcentury 3rdmillennium accuracy-posture achillesheelfoes aimmode ammomagazines assaultrifles autosavepoints canyon cdrom cpplanguage death destructibleenvironment did directx9 distortedvision driving drm dynamicaccuracy earth elevators explosiveobjects extraterrestrial falldamage firearms firstpersonshooter fofindicator future futureearth grenadelaunchers havokphysics healingitems healthregen healthregen-stunted humanweapon itempickup-auto jumping karmiccreatures ladders leveleditor meleeweapons militantprotagonist mp-assault mp-ctf mp-dm obligation openal plasmaweapons precisionrifles ragdollphysics rescue restorepower rockets safedisc segmentedhealth sequence-defend sequence-turret serialkey serious shotguns stamina stranded suicide telescope trampling tutorial unrealengine2 upgrades-permanent upgradesystem vorbis walking weaponupgrades win2k win98 winxp labelimageminimize
Gunroar ABA Games2005 dlanguage opengl sdl vorbis labelimageminimize
Pathologic  Buka Entertainment;Frogster Interactive (Ice-Pick Lodge)2005 1life aspectratio-4-3 bleak cdrom detectivemystery dialog-sentences dingy directx9 femaleprotagonist firearms graybrown handguns hunger incompat-multicore interactivedialogs investigation karma kriaward lifestudiohead lostintranslation magicalrealism maleprotagonist meleeweapons multipleperspectives multiprotagonists mystery openal origlang-russian outbreak overcast serious town unattendedevents uvl-confusable uvl-techlimitation voiceovers vorbis win2k win98 winxp labelimageminimize
Advent Rising  Majesco Entertainment (GlyphX Games)2005 1life actionadventure adventtrilogy alieninvasion aliens bossbattles cancelledseries centauroids cliffhanger cpplanguage cpu-pentium3 directx8 directx9 divinechampion driving drm dualwielding dvd elevators epic episodic exterminationwar extraterrestrial firearms future gog healthregen humansuperiority ingameintro invasion jumping militantprotagonist novintfalcon openal openended otherworld rating-esrb-t securom7 sequelhook serious shadermodel1 spacecraft-location spacefaringage spacestation subtitledeficient superpower-theme superpowers unrealengine2 unusualprotagonist vorbis walking win2k winxp labelimagesubject
Neuro Hunter Deep Silver (Media Art)2005 adv-ptdistr androids antagonistawareness autosaves-periodic bioluminescence bludgeons bodyarmor capacity-weight cave classless colorcodednpcs crafting crossbows cyborgprotagonist damageinfo dialog-sentences difficulty-ingame difficulty-single enemyhealthdisplay energyweapons evilgenius expendable falldamage finiteopposition firstpersonshooter fullscreen hacking healingitems healingstations humanexperiments implants improvisedweapons insectoids inventory-supplies jumping keys knives laserbolts laserweapons lockpicking loot-random loot-unexpected lostequipment mapannotation megacorps mine minigames monsters multibarrelguns mutants nopointercapture optionaltasks outlaws overburdening pawn pickpocketing powertools precisionrifles prerenderedcinematics prison publicsecrets quake randomizedcodes reload-auto reload-keeppartial reload-manual reload-real researchfacility resting robots saveanywhere scientists screenshake shopping skillbasedeq solomission spectres stealing stranded subterranean tasktracker tga titularcharacter turrets vorbis walking xp-deeds xp-kills labelimagesubject
Fable: The Lost Chapter Microsoft (Lionhead Studios)2005 1life aaa actionadventure aging amphitheatre arena ballistics bloodlines bodymorphing bossbattles bows caninoids cave chickens classless directx9 dualism emotes evilisugly fable-series fishing forest glowingveins growingprotagonist hero-theme heroes heroprotagonist heroschool highfantasy lostequipment magic marriage mediaindrive medieval meleeweapons moralchoices multipleendings outlaws premadeprotagonist reflecteddeeds roses roses-black roses-red serialkey shopping sorcery speakingstones swords tattoos timeskip titles town trophies unlimitedammo voiceovers vorbis werewolves xbydifferentname labelimagesubject
Black & White 2  Electronic Arts (Lionhead Studios)2005 absoluterulership actionstrategy aging alternatesolutions antagonistawareness appearanceshifting basebuilding blacknwhite-series bodymorphing breeding builders catapults cdrom challenges children circadiancycle cruelty depthoffield difficulty-single directx9 dominion doors drm dualism dvd dynamicweather excretion gamecoda gesturing giantmonsters godgame godlingprotagonist goodvsevil hybridgame infinitezoom island karma learningai lightbloom lighthearted magic mediaindrive missionbased naming-companions needs noglobalresources nontolkienian noports nudity nudity-featureless optionaltasks playerprofiles playerstats prophecy quake ramparts rating-pegi-12 reflecteddeeds renderwareengine resourceharvesting safedisc screenshake serialkey shadermodel1 siegeweapons silviculture sorcery spreadingvegetation stockpiles structurefacing tasktracker teaching terraindeformation thoroughfareconstruction timechange titularconcept transformingpresence tutorial tutorial-interactive undertaking unrestrictedviolence veterancy virtualpets vorbis win2k winxp workers xml xp-literal zoom labelimagesubject
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