Video game serie
A series set in alternate history Lovecraftian Earth.
Notable people involved: Maarten de Meyer, Wesley Tack, Brady Jones, Peter Howell and Samuel Justice
LIN 2013-09-10
LIN 2010-09-08
WIN 2013-09-10
WIN 2010-09-08
OSX 2010-09-08
OSX 2013-09-10
Popular tags
actionadventure adaptation-sight commercial controlloss health-multi immobilewater interlinkedlevels inventory-indisposable limitedsupplies mapdeficient multipleendings pacifisthorror playerprofiles retrypoints screenshake secrets secrets-mandatory sequence-escape survivalhorror tutorial-integratedGames by year
The first Amnesia video game was released on September 8, 2010.
Frictional Games published most of these games.