Processor architectures

Hardware theme

Alternate name: CPU architectures

This is a container group; its children are:

68000 Series CPURuns on machines with 68000 based CPUs. Use this tag for games on platforms that can have different CPUs. For instance, Macs can use a 68k, PPC, or x86 CPU.1984 / 20211912 games
Alpha CPU architecture & platform (too short)1983 / 201158 games
ARM CPUA RISC-based processor architecture originally by Acorn Computers (Acorn RISC Machine). (too short)1991 / 201660 games
ARM CPU using little-endian architecture (too short)1997 / 201119 games
AVR32 CPU architectureRequires or runs on AVR32-based 32-bit RISC microprocessor CPU architecture. (too short)1999 / 20037 games
286 CPURequires at least 286 type of CPU with clock speeds ranging from 6 to 25 MHz. (too short)1982 / 2015119 games
386DX CPURequires at least 386 type of CPU with clock speeds ranging from 12 to 40 MHz. (too short)1985 / 2001240 games
486DX CPURequires at least 486DX type of CPU with clock speeds ranging from 16 to 100 MHz. (too short)1989 / 2020271 games
586 CPURequires Pentium/586 CPU with clock speeds ranging from 60 MHz upwards. (too short)1991 / 202086 games
6502 CPUA simplified/cost reduced clone of the Motorola 6800 designed by the designers of the 6800. It enjoyed some popularly for a few decades.1977 / 19916 games
68000 CPURuns on 680[b][i]0[/i][/b]0 CPUs specifically (as opposed to 68020, 68030, 68040, etc) (too short)1984 / 2021322 games
68020 CPURuns on 68020 CPUs specifically. (too short)1984 / 202194 games
68030 CPURuns specifically on 68030 CPUs (too short)1986 / 2018131 games
68040 CPURuns on 68040 CPUs specifically. (too short)1990 / 2004163 games
6809 CPUAn 8-bit/16-bit 1-40MHz CPU related to the 6800 & 6802. While it could run 6800 code, the 6800 could not run 6809 code. 6802 code was also different.1982 / 20073 games
8086 CPURequires at least a 8086 type of CPU with clock speeds ranging from 5 to 10 MHz. (too short)1972 / 2016338 games
8088 CPURequires at least an 8088 type of CPU with clock speeds ranging from 5 to 10 MHz. (too short)1977 / 2021251 games
PowerMac G3 CPUSupports or requires at least a G3 CPU or better. (too short)2000 / 200912 games
PowerMac G4 CPUSupports or requires at least a G4 CPU or better. (too short)2003 / 20088 games
HP/PAPA-RISC is a microprocessor architecture developed by Hewlett-Packard's Systems & VLSI Technology Operation. It is a RISC design.1988 / 201194 games
MIPS RISC CPU architectureGame runs on platforms using the Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipeline Stages CPUs.1991 / 201136 games
MIPS RISC CPU using little-endian architectureGame runs on platforms using the [b]M[/b]icroprocessor without [b]I[/b]nterlocked [b]P[/b]ipeline [b]S[/b]tages CPUs running with a little-endian endianness.1991 / 201123 games
PowerPC CPU architectureRequires or runs on PPC or PPC-based CPU. (too short)1984 / 2015746 games
PowerPC 64-bit CPU ArchitectureRequires or runs on 64-bit PPC or 64-bit PPC-based CPU. (too short)1997 / 20108 games
s390 architecture (too short)1991 / 201130 games
z/Architecture CPURequires or runs on z/Architecture machines (s390x) (too short)2 games
Sh-3 CPU architectureRequires or runs on SH-3-based CPUs. (too short)2 games
Sh-4 CPU architectureRequires or runs on SH-4 based CPUs. (too short)1997 / 201112 games
SPARC CPU architectureGames that require SPARC CPU or SPARC-based CPU. (too short)1987 / 2011146 games
SPARC-64 CPU ArchitectureGames that require 64-bit SPARC CPU or 64-bit SPARC-based CPU. (too short)1993 / 200619 games
DEC StrongARM CPUA "high-performance" version of the ARM CPU using the ARM v4 instruction set. (too short)1 game
DEC VAXAn 32-bit complex instruction set computer (CISC) instruction set architecture by Digital Equipment Corporation. Many DEC CPUs were compatible.2 games
x86 CPU architectureRequires or runs on x86-based CPUs. (too short)1979 / 20211586 games
x86-16 CPURequires 16 bit x86 CPU and an OS that can run 16 bit executables. (too short)1993 / 19967 games
x86-64 CPURequires or runs natively on a 64 bit x86 CPU. (too short)1990 / 2022949 games
Intel Xscale CPURuns on or requires Xscale CPU. Xscale is ARM-based CPU architecture and will likely run games that run on ARM CPUs as well.1 game
Zilog Z80 CPUOr compatible. (too short)1 game