Locations entity
A place to participate in arranged fights and watch and bet on them.
Notable people involved: Brian Fehdrau, George Sinfield, Rick Ryan, James Schmalz and Keith Cirillo
Alternate name: Fighting pit
PSP 2011-03-03
SNES 1995-09-18
CPC 1986
WIN 1998-05-22
GBA 2003-08-29
VCS 1983
X360 2014-02-04
NES 1990-07
WIN 2007-02-26
PS1 1999-02-11
SNES 1994-12-02
SNES 1993-11-01
This includes even simple areas in some backstreet where people come to fight in similar manner.
Primarily cases where the player can participate either in the fighting or in the betting, or both. For the actual places, use other tags (e.g. amphitheatre).
Primarily cases where the player can participate either in the fighting or in the betting, or both. For the actual places, use other tags (e.g. amphitheatre).
Popular tags
actionadventure amphitheatre castle cave city dimensionalbreach earth england europe excavation fantasyworld fictionaluniverse firstpersonshooter forest hell hellscape heroschool mine monastery mountain otherworld river ruins school sewers shrine spacestation subterranean temple town underwater wasteland wetlandGames by year
The first Arena video game was released in 1983.
Microsoft, 2K Games and Square Enix published most of these games.