Video game serie
Notable people involved: Mick Gordon, B. J. Ward, Drew Markham, Chris Wagener and Jay Brushwood
B.J. Blazkowicz, Wilhelm Strasse(view all the 2 "Wolfenstein" characters)
VCS 2005
IIE 1981
DOS 1985
WIN 2009-08-18
XBOX1 2014-05-20
A800 1983
C64 1983
DOS 1994
3DO 1995-10-19
DOS 1992-05-05
PS2 2003-05-27
ST 2002
See also: Wolfenstein 3D engine
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1life actionadventure aimassist aimmode attractmode collectibles commercial corridorshooter difficulty difficulty-mockery dualwielding eastereggs-date enemyterritory-series falldamage firstpersonshooter gridmove homebrew mazegame mp-dm mp-teams namelessprotagonist noreloading overheal pushwalls reboot reload-auto score screenstaining secrets stealthgame tutorialGames by year
The first Wolfenstein video game was released in 1981.
Bethesda Softworks, Activision and Muse Software published most of these games.