Khet 2.0

created and published by BlueLine Games in 2015, running on Linux
type: board game, strategy
genre: Traditional game, Khet, Tactical
perspective: bird's-eye
player options: single player, shared-screen
languages: other
STEAM Powered

Personal review

An officially licensed version of Khet 2.0. It's like chess with frickin lasers.
All pieces can rotate 90° for their turn. No piece can rotate and move in a single move. Every piece except the Sphinx can move to any adjacent empty square including diagonally for their turn. Sphinx are stuck in their starting squares in the corner, but can rotate, are invulnerable to lasers, and are armed with a frickin laser. Scarab pieces have a 45° degree double sided mirror to reflect any laser beam from any direction 90°. Scarab pieces may move into an occupied square by swapping places with the other piece. Pyramids have a 45° degree one-sided mirror that reflects lasers from two directions but will be destroyed if struck on the opposite sides. Anubis can block a laser if stuck in the face. Any other strike destroys it. One column on each side of the board is exclusive to one player's pieces. And once square in the next columns, the ones touching the Sphinx, are exclusive to the other player. If the Pharaoh is zapped, you lose. After a player moves, they can opt to fire their laser. Any piece struck that does not effect or block the laser is destroyed, regardless of who's piece it is.

The Beam Splitter DLC adds an Eye of Horus piece which is like a Scarab that reflects lasers 90° but also lets the same beam pass through unobstructed, thus splitting the beam into two.

A Tower of Kadesh DLC is expected as some future point to match the original board game expansion that adds a second level to the playfield and pieces to reflect beams up and down.

# 2015-03-23 00:04:35

Technical specs

software: FNA,
display: text

Contributors (2)


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