Creatures theme
Includes something with three legged locomotion.
Alternate names: Tripods
Name variations: three legged
PS2 2002-10-16
WIN 2007-03-28
FMT 1992
WIN 2011-03-25
CPC 1985
WIN 2009-10-27
SMS 1990
WIN 2007-12-10
X360 2007-10-10
X360 2007-11-23
GC 2003-04-02
WIN 2008-03
No land animal is known to be naturally tripedal. Macropods use their tales on the ground to aid in motion and so come close but not quite. However, some ocean creatures are tripedal. Real mechanical devices (robots and walking machines) are the most likely candidates for tripedal motion.
Other than these real cases, it is expected that the tripod tag will be applied to aliens, supernaturals, mutants, biroids, fictional robots, fictional machines, or other fictional creatures. Anything that is injured or augmented from its original state and must learn tripedal motion, does not count. However any injured or augmented that had a preexisting instinct for tripedal motion does count.
Other than these real cases, it is expected that the tripod tag will be applied to aliens, supernaturals, mutants, biroids, fictional robots, fictional machines, or other fictional creatures. Anything that is injured or augmented from its original state and must learn tripedal motion, does not count. However any injured or augmented that had a preexisting instinct for tripedal motion does count.
Popular tags
aliens amoeboids beholders captives chiroptera demonoids demons europeanfae femaleprotagonist firstpersonshooter giantinsects giantspiders hydrae insectoids liches mimics monsters mystics neutralnpcs orcs pirates robots rodents sauroids seaserpents silentprotagonist skeletons snakes spectres trolls undead willowisps willowtreesParent group
Games by year
The first Tripeds video game was released in 1985.
Electronic Arts, Origin, Pony Canyon and Sierra published most of these games.