Creatures theme
An animated corpse. Generally a magician, king, or other powerful character uses something to remain bound to their body after death.
Notable people involved: Jason Linhart, Bill Sloan, Kiri Naiman, Steven Peeler and Wayne Horgan
Alternate name: Liche
MAC 2001
WIN 2007-03-05
SMS 1990
X360 2011-11-11
DOS 1995
SX1 1987
OCS 1988
WIN 2007-09
FMT 1992
LIN 2001-05-08
9801 1987-07-18
A800 1986
Like necromancers, liches are commonly perceived as being utterly evil and unredeemable (or if they can be redeemed, this likely would require them relinquishing their undead existence).
This is usually a choice of the individual and arranged prior to death. Lich typically surround themselves with undead minions. If the lich was a magician, they generally keep their powers. Sometime lich gain magical powers, even if they were not a magician previously.
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Games by year
The first Liches video game was released in 1983.
Origin, Pony Canyon, Bethesda Softworks and Beamdog published most of these games.