Creatures theme
Features vampires.
Notable people involved: David Boudreau, Jason Linhart, Louis Hsu Saekow, Bill Sloan and Kiri Naiman
OCS 1987
GBA 2001
INTV 1983
WIN 2005-08-02
WIN 2013-11-15
WIN 2014-05
MAC 1986
WIN 2008-05-05
FM7 1983
SX1 1985-06
C64 1990
ELEC 1984
Most modern vampire depictions are probably derived from Bram Stoker's Dracula, however, the concept of vampires itself is much older.
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actionadventure amoeboids chiroptera demons dragons dragons-western dwarves elves femaleprotagonist ghosts giantinsects giants giantspiders gnomes goblins golems halflings humans interactivefiction liches maleprotagonist monsters mummies mystics orcs sauroids skeletons trolls undead vampireprotagonist weefolk werewolves zombiesParent group
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Games by year
The first Vampires video game was released in 1979.
Konami, Electronic Arts and Adventure International published most of these games.