Video game concept
Certain things knock the players or their enemies away, commonly heavy hits and explosions.
Notable people involved: Alex Quick, Jesse McGibney, Lee Vermeulen, Markus Persson 'Notch' and Daniel Rosenfeld
NES 1987-06-05
WIN 2013-01-25
WIN 2011-03-25
X360 2009-10-02
WIN 2003-09-16
PS4 2013-11-15
WIN 2011-05-27
PS3 2008-10-14
WIN 2007
WIN 2016-11-18
WIN 2012-07
WIN 2016-09-20
Variety of a stun that is sometimes used to forcibly maneuver enemies into farther dangers or just to build up distance.
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Knockback games by year
The first Knockback video game was released on June 5, 1987.
Activision, Capcom, Tripwire Interactive and LucasArts published most of these games.