
created and published by Perpetual Pyramid in 2013-04-07, running on Linux
type: puzzle
genre: Logic puzzle, Minesweeper
perspective: bird's-eye
player options: single player
game engine: Serge Engine
languages: eng

Official description

A Minesweeper clone with a retro feel.
Clear the field of mines by infering their location. When you click on a square it will tell you how many mines are adjacent to that square. Use this information to work out where the mines are and clear the rest of the field. As a memory aid you can place flags where you think a mine is.

Three levels give you three different size fields to clear. Compete against others online to have the best time to beat a level.

Paul Paterson - # 2014-02-28 02:48:51 - official description


Click a mined squared, KABOOM! Clicking open squares will reveal them and all adjacent open squares. If these open squares are next to mines, they will show a number equivalent to the mined squares they are touching. Based on these numbers, players must calculate (or guess) under which squares the remaining mines are hidden. Every open square must be revealed to win.

In new mode, there are timed mines amongst the regular ones. These will trigger itself and neighboring mines to count down to explosion. The player must find them, isolate them, mark them, and defuse them. An oscilloscope and sensor bar help counter the added difficulty of timed mines.

zerothis # 2014-02-28 02:55:11

Technical specs

software: Serge Engine,
display: raster

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