Thermal weapons
Tools concept
Includes weapons with the purpose of setting things on fire or otherwise burning them.
Notable people involved: Alexander Shuskov, Arne Niklas Jansson, Jason Gee, Guy Mills and Ellen McLain
Alternate names: Flame weapons, Incendiary weapons
SG1K 1983
WIN 2009-11
WIN 2010-03-16
WIN 2008-10-28
PS3 2009-03-05
WIN 2008-11
PS2 2008-06-20
X360 2007-09-25
WIN 2009-08-18
X360 2009-12-16
WIN 2010-10-19
WIN 2009-09-15
* Flamethrowers
* Incendiary grenades / molotovs
* Incendiary bombs (napalm bombs)
* Incendiary rockets / ammo
Implied: (not enforceable)
* Burning - there are plenty of games that don't actually set anyone on fire
* Cryogenic weapons
Lasers are also thermal weapons, but their application and appearance differs too much from the others (and many popular inaccurate depictions), that implying thermal weapons with them is poor choice (unless they actually set things on fire).
* Flamethrowers
* Incendiary grenades / molotovs
* Incendiary bombs (napalm bombs)
* Incendiary rockets / ammo
Implied: (not enforceable)
* Burning - there are plenty of games that don't actually set anyone on fire
* Cryogenic weapons
Lasers are also thermal weapons, but their application and appearance differs too much from the others (and many popular inaccurate depictions), that implying thermal weapons with them is poor choice (unless they actually set things on fire).
Including things like flamethrowers, napalm, weapons using incendiary or white phosphorus, and so on.
Popular tags
actionadventure ammomagazines assaultrifles beamweapons bombs energyweapons firearms grenadelaunchers grenades guidedweapons handguns improvisedweapons incendiarygrenades ironsights knives lamp laserweapons machineguns map meleeweapons mines plasmaweapons powertools precisionrifles rockets rotaryguns shotguns submachineguns survivalhorror swords tactical telescope weaponupgradesParent groups
Anti-humanitarian warfare, Practical tools
Child groups
Games by year
The first Thermal weapons video game was released in 1982.
Electronic Arts published most of these games.