Creatures theme
Includes humanoid creatures that resemble felines.
Notable people involved: Steven Peeler, Hiromichi Tanaka, John Miles, Todd Howard and Hiroshi Takai
X360 2008-11-20
WIN 2002
X360 2008-10
PSP 2005-08-25
WIN 1997-09
NES 1991
WIN 2002-05-07
DOS 1992
WIN 2009-04-09
SNES 1994-12-02
OSX 2008-06-04
PS3 2007-04-27
Popular tags
actionrpg amazons anthroprotagonist anuroids caninoids caprinoids demons dragons dungeoncrawler elitemobs elves ghosts giantmonsters giantspiders goblinoids hackandslash heroprotagonist humanoidanimals insectoids lootemup monsters mystics necromancers neutralnpcs outlaws paladins premadeprotagonist reanimators sauroids skeletons supportnpcs undead zombiesParent group
Games by year
The first Felinoids video game was released in 1991.
Blizzard, Spiderweb Software, Bethesda Softworks and Capcom published most of these games.