Prototype series
Video game serie
Notable people involved: Mark Acero
James Heller, Alex Mercer(view all the 2 "Prototype series" characters)
WIN 2012-07-24
X360 2009-06
WIN 2009-06-10
PS3 2009-06
PS3 2012-04-24
X360 2012-04-24
Popular tags
adv-limited adv-progress adv-xpdistr aimassist bossbattles chargedattack collectibles enemyupgrade fallimpact healthdrops homingboulders indicator-poi minimap mutablescenery-large newgameplus nochildren nofalldamage nonlinear noreloading npcspawning openworld overheal powermimicry quicktimeevent sequence-defend superstrength targetlock tasteofpower tutorial upgrades-abilities upgrades-health upgrades-permanent upgradesystemGames by year
The first Prototype series video game was released on June 2009.
Activision published all these games.