Far Cry
Video game serie
A series of mostly unrelated open world shooters from Ubisoft. Plot usually involves people who are more or less insane, sociopathic, or generally just unhinged.
Notable people involved: Cédric Decelle, Patrik Méthé, Jean-Alexis Doyon, Lucien Soulban and Dan Hay
Nasreen Davar, Hakim Echebbi, Yosip Idromeno, Valerie Constantine, Frank Bilders, Marty Alencar, Jack Carver, Andre Hyppolite, Warren Clide, Paul Ferenc(view all the 10 "Far Cry" characters)
PS4 2016-02-23
WIN 2014-11-18
PS4 2014-11-18
WIN 2004-03-23
XBOX1 2016-02-23
XBOX 2005-09-27
WIN 2016-03-01
XBOX1 2018-03-27
PS3 2012-12-04
X360 2006-03-30
XBOX1 2014-11-18
WII 2006-12-12