Psychic Powers
Activities theme
Player character wields psychic powers.
Notable people involved: Ralph Thomas 'Cooksey', Ron Calonje, Caron White, Chris Carr and Tim August
Alternate name: Psionics
SMS 1993
OCS 1993
OCS 1994
WIN 1998-01-31
MSX2 1988
OCS 1989
WIN 2002
TIG 1998-01
CPC 1988
WIN 2002-03
GB 1998
PS1 1998-06-24
Some of the more popularly known powers associated with psychics:
- Astral projection
- Psychokinesis
- Pyrokinesis
- Telepathy / mind reading
- Mind control
- Scrying
And there are some even more fantastic magic-like powers to this.
Ki and similar subjects about personal energy can be tied to psionics as well, though these are more in the form of potential energy in the body rather than mind, even though mind is part of it.
- Astral projection
- Psychokinesis
- Pyrokinesis
- Telepathy / mind reading
- Mind control
- Scrying
And there are some even more fantastic magic-like powers to this.
Ki and similar subjects about personal energy can be tied to psionics as well, though these are more in the form of potential energy in the body rather than mind, even though mind is part of it.
Implies the presence of either fantasy or sci-fi genre on the game entries.
This can be used even in some cases where the powers used appear to have fantastic properties to them (appear more magical than psychic), but the canon implies they're related to the psyche rather than something arcane.
This can be used even in some cases where the powers used appear to have fantastic properties to them (appear more magical than psychic), but the canon implies they're related to the psyche rather than something arcane.
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1on1fighting actionadventure agriculture combatstyles combomoves crafting dodging firstpersonshooter hacking healing healthdraining hijacking jumping midairjumping possession powerthrow projectiledeflection reload-manual repulsion rescue roguelike romance sacrificing shopping sorcery stealth stunning tactical telekinesis teleporting unarmedfighting walking walljumpingParent groups
Psychics, SciFi elements, Superhuman powers, Supernatural phenomena
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Video game
Psionics theme, No energy regeneration
Magic, Technomagic, Visions, Energy regeneration, Super powers
Fiction genre
Games by year
The first Psychic Powers video game was released on November 1982.