Other (objects, etc.) theme
Technology is used to produce effects you'd expect to see in fantasy setting from magic.
Notable people involved: Mac Walters, Fabrice Condominas, Mike Gamble, Ian Frazier and Joel MacMillan
Alternate name: Technology-based magic
X360 2010-01-26
PS3 2008-10-17
X360 2013-04-26
WIN 2013-04-26
WIN 200903? *
PS3 2014-09-09
WIN 2010-01-26
WIN 2007-10-02
WIN 2013-02-05
PS3 2013-04-26
PS3 2008-10-13
WIN 2004
Quoted from Arthur C. Clarke:
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic
- source
* Magic
* Magical technology
* Super powers
* Psychic powers (a.k.a. psionics)
* Technomagic
* Finite energy
* Automatic energy regeneration
* Naturalistic
* Magic
* Magical technology
* Super powers
* Psychic powers (a.k.a. psionics)
* Technomagic
* Finite energy
* Automatic energy regeneration
* Naturalistic
Popular tags
actionrpg biogrowth bodyarmor classbased containers dark death diaries doors dystopian energyitems firstpersonshooter genderchoice gog group group-leader healingitems healthregen immersivesim interactivedialogs inventory magic mindcontrol moralchoices objectiveindicator peopleresources phlebotinum powerarmor steampowered teleport titlementioned xp-kills xp-objectsParent group
Related group
Psychic Powers
Games by year
The first Technomagic video game was released on September 27, 1988.
Electronic Arts, 2K Games and Fatbot Games published most of these games.