Body armor
Other (objects, etc.) entity
Notable people involved: Andrew Parton, Vaclav Krajicek, Matthew Knott, James Schmalz and Jason Linhart
DOS 1992
WIN 2011-07-13
X360 2009-10-02
LIN 2009-02-13
WIN 2011-05-16
A800 1981
NES 1992
WIN 2006-06-26
PS3 2011-03-25
OCS 1988
WIN 2016-06-03
9801 1987-07-18
Visual representation of armor is insufficient for this tag.
Popular tags
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Related group
Energy shields
Games by year
The first Body armor video game was released on August 1980.
Klei Entertainment, Activision, Bethesda Softworks and Deep Silver published most of these games.