Other (objects, etc.) theme
The yellow skinned fruit of the tree-like banana plant. The peels are a humors slipping hazard. They are stereotypically desired by larger primates.
Notable people involved: Gregg Mayles, Mark Stevenson, Steve Mayles, David Wise and Mark Ackerman
VCS 1982
WIN 2014-08-14
IIE 1983
IIE 1983
C64 1983
GBC 1999
GBA 2003-06-09
GBC 2000-11-23
TI99 1983
GBA 2005-11-07
GBA 2004-11-16
NES 1990
Bananas are actually green and become yellowish-green when nearly ripe, then develop brown spots before turning completely brown and ripe. The vivid yellow color only occurs if the banana has been treated with ethanol gas to manipulate the ripening process for properly timing commercial sales. This rarly stops videogame authors from using the vivid yellow variety in wild settings. Wild bananas are more round and have very large seeds. Many prefer to eat the partially ripe yellow banana. The peel is quite editable but not preferred in western societies. Unripe green bananas are also eaten, often when used in cooking. There are also lesser known red and purple bananas. If contacted by ultraviolet light, bananas show blue luminescence. (blue is traditionally thought of as an unnatural color for living things). Bananas grow and are often transported in bunches.
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Games by year
The first Bananas video game was released in 1982.