Other (objects, etc.) entity
Notable people involved: Steven Shipway, Shahzad Sahaib 'Kojote', Frans Meulenbrooks, Dave/David and Rodolphe Boixel 'Thor'
Alternate names: Gemstones, Precious stones
Name variations: diamonds, jewels
A800 1984
LIN 2011-03-06
WIN 2010-09-21
WIN 2008-10-21
IIE 1982
WIN 2010-03-20
WIN 2007
A800 1983
OCS 1992
DOS 1982
WIN 2012-02-07
IIE 1983
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The first Gems video game was released on May 1981.
Retroguru, Screenplay and SoftSide published most of these games.