Growing protagonist
Other (objects, etc.) theme
The main character is a child (or a baby) at the beginning, and grows, becoming adult during the game.
Notable people involved: Rhianna Pratchett, Inon Zur, Emil Pagliarulo, Todd Howard and Keith Cirillo
XBOX 2004-09-14
WIN 2013-03
GC 2003-11-07
SNES 1994-02
MAC 1988
X360 2008-10-28
PS3 2013-10-08
AGA 1994
GC 2002-11-28
PS3 2008-10-28
DOS 1994
XBOX 2005-10-18
Popular tags
actionadventure aging autosavepoints ballistics chosenone circadiancycle consoleclassix counselor death doors glowingveins home karma ladders license-proprietary lightbridges limitedcapacity magic mindcontrol moralchoices mutagen prejudice roses roses-black roses-red shinto shrinkingprotagonist steampowered stupidevil tattoos teleport titularcharacter treesParent group
Games by year
The first Growing protagonist video game was released in 1984.
Nintendo, Microsoft, Virgin and Virgin Interactive published most of these games.